It carries within itself a reflection in part of the intimate human relationship, which causes the body and its social representation as the embodiment of human-being in healthy and pathological externalize the social and cultural in scope. Outlines an interrelation between health anthropology and ...
Anthropology of knowledge is based on German historiography school standard which takes under consideration social and cultural context in medicine sciences - Kulturgeschichte der Medizin and Sozialgeschichte der Medizin. The source of these inspirations were concepts of P. Fuhem, T.S. Kuhn...
In the last two decades, during their under fire" research, anthropologists (ethnologists) have exposed many social and cultural aspects of wars, waged for more or less noble causes. As one of few, they managed to focus the world's attention on the drama of little known ethnic groups, ...
In the article I consider contemporary social and political protests from the perspective of anthropology of sound and/or sound studies. I do not focus on any series of specific protests or any single demonstration. I refer to these phenomena in a global perspectiv...
I. Labeled as 'science of the past and science of vestiges', the social and cultural anthropology turned to the research of the social processes to the historical and cultural reconstructions 'the long lasting ones'. Anthropologists ( especially the evolutionists) have seen in the recalling of ...
I propose the adoption of an evolutionary perspective in thinking about cultural diversity and cultural changing, by using analogies with biological diversity and biological changing. In the first chapter I show how evolution could be for the social sciences what already is for biological sciences: a...
doi:10.4025/actascihumansoc.v45i3.69515CULTURAL relativismDEFENSE mechanisms (Psychology)FIELD researchSOCIAL factsSCHOOL environmentANTHROPOLOGYGeorges Devereux is known as the creator of ethnopsychoanalysis, a discipline that articulates psychoanalysis and anthropology in understanding human phenomena....
Demant's firm conviction was that European societies must rediscover their "common humanity" transcending the earthly reality in order to reintroduce God's order in their individual and social life. However different the early 21st c. social and cultural context may be, Canon Demant is truly ...
SOCIAL scientistsSOCIAL groupsBEHAVIORAL assessmentBEHAVIOR analystsEXPERIMENTAL psychologyAUTOETHNOGRAPHYIn many of his writings, B. F. Skinner discussed about cultures, suggesting that cultural practices were selected in a third kind of selection of behavior by its consequences. However,...