(the first element inanswer). A common compounding element in Greek, in some combinations it becameanth-for euphonic reasons. It appears in some words in Middle English but was not commonly used in English word formations until modern times. In a few English words (anticipate,antique) it ...
词性变化 word-activity enchanter n. 巫师,施魔法的人 She is a enchanter. 她是个巫师。 enchantment n. 着迷,迷惑,魅力 The supper model tolled us with enchantment. 超级名模使我们着迷... 分享回复赞 王胺华吧 贴吧吧主小管家 [公告]关于撤销 AntonyMMMM 吧主管理权限的说明经核实吧主AntonyMMMM 未通过...
predict,herald,bespeak,indicate,promise,figure,betoken,announce,count on,annunciate,foreshadow,omen,point,harbinger,estimate,portend,call,prognosticate,anticipate,reckon,augur,calculate,foretell,forebode,prefigure,signal,forecast,auspicate,presage