Antonov An-225“Mriya”(意为“梦想”)是有史以来最大、最重的飞机之一,甚至可以与传说中的休斯H-4Hercules(“云杉鹅”)相媲美1940年代。 An-225比空客A380和波音747长,而与休斯飞机相比,翼展短约17.7米。 An-225于1988年12月21日首飞,于次年投入使用。 以An-124为基础,在外观设计上有明显相似之处。 An...
基于 An-124 虽然安东诺夫在设计阶段对 An-124 进行根本性改变的时间太长,但测试项目已向公司证实,这是一款出色的货物运输机。但它需要能够承载更多的重量——估计为 220 至 270 吨,而不是 An-124 设计的 170 吨。它还需要一条不会妨碍机身承载能力的尾翼。通过使用 An-124 作为基础模型,Antonov 可以节省...
Antonov Aircraft, including the AN-124, AN-225, AN-22, AN-148 and AN-158, spotting guide, development, active fleet numbers, photographs
1/400 Antonov An-124 AN124 Blizzard Space Shuttle Antonov 124 Aircraft Model Diecast Toy Airplane For Fans Collection SouvenirUSD 22.36-83.98/piece Welcome to our shop! Product Details: Model number: AN-225 Model scale: 1/200 Model material: ABS (synthetic plastic) Model size: about 42 cm ...
#仙猫藏图[超话]#Antonov An-225 transporting the Buran spaceplane at Le Bourget 1989 安东诺夫An-225运送Буран“暴风雪”航天飞机参加1989年巴黎航展———安东诺夫An-225 Мрія“梦幻”是一款战略空运货机...
Antonov An-225 Mrija Revell 1:144 049582021 New box Antonov An-225 MrijaLevel 3 (No landing gear or cargo bay), with "NEW" logo Revell 1:144 049572019 New parts An-225 Mriya & Buran Pit-Road 1:700 S512019 New toolMulti-topic (2) ...
Antonov 225 #an225 #安225 #飞机模型 #一起看飞机 - skonga于20220531发布在抖音,已经收获了9.7万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
#仙猫藏图[超话]#Antonov AN-225 "Mriya" is taking off with Buran space shuttle. 安东诺夫An-225 Mriya“梦幻”携带Буран“暴风雪”航天飞机起飞。———安东诺夫An-225 Мрія“梦幻”是1985至1988年设计和制造...
The Antonov An-225 Mriya Ukrainian-225, lit 'dream' or 'inspiration'; NATO reporting name: Cossack) is a strategic airlift cargo aircraft that was designed by the Antonov Design Bureau in the Ukrainian SSR within the Soviet Union during the 1980s. It is powered by six turbofan engines and...
the project was again abandoned before it was completed. The primary aircraft was allowed to be mothballed at one point and her engines were removed to support other AN-124 aircraft. The AN-225 was put back in service, and still operates in 2010 sporting a new civilian paint job to replac...