【参考译文】An-10的军事用途相当广泛,共为伏尔加-第聂伯河航空公司(VTA)建造了45架An-10TS飞机,其中16架专供军用部队使用,其余38架租借给民航部,以及从苏联航空公司退役后剩余的可飞行飞机。[1] 2.2 事故调查及退役[1] On 18 May 1972, while descending to Kharkiv International Airport an An-10 crashed, ...
Mask 1/72 for Antonov An-10, for ModelSvit kit 产品代码:KVM72005 制造商KV Models 比例尺:1:72 該產品已添加到我們的目錄中 16 August, 2016 We offer free shipping for the orders: - Europe, North East, Middle East, India - USD150.00 ...
UR-CGW. Antonov An-12B. JetPhotos.com is the biggest database of aviation photographs with over 6 million screened photos online!
Antonov An-124 Ruslan (UR-82008)提交时间:3 年以前248 of UR-82008 2392 of A124 2044 at YBBN Nathen Sieben CommentsPlease log in or register to post a comment. Larry Toler3 年以前 Great picture. Volga-Dniepr just grounded their fleet of 124's to have the engines checked aft...
The Ukrainian government has given Antonov the go-ahead to exit a joint venture it agreed with Russian manufacturer United Aircraft in 2011. A cabinet spokesman says the government's endorsement clears state-owned Antonov to proceed with plans for securing workload through contracts with a range ...
Currently - it is only recommended to use Bluebird if you need to supportreally oldbrowsers or EoL Node.js or as an intermediate step to use warnings/monitoring to find bugs. Questions and issues Thegithub issue trackerisonlyfor bug reports and feature requests. Anything else, such as question...
安东诺夫An225-军事飞机壁纸壁纸原始分辨率: 2560x1600你的设备分辨率: 1600x1600常见分辨率: 1024x768 1152x864 1200x900 1280x960 1280x800 1280x1024 1366x768 1440x900 1680x1050 1600x1200 1920x1080 1920x1200 1920x1440 2560x1600 - 相关壁纸专辑 - 现代军用飞机高清壁纸 世界需要和平-军事桌面壁纸第二...
壁纸原始分辨率:2560x1600 你的设备分辨率:1600x1600 常见分辨率:1024x7681152x8641200x9001280x9601280x8001280x10241366x7681440x9001680x10501600x12001920x10801920x12001920x14402560x1600
【参考译文】An-10A——1959年12月起生产的机型,座位数增加,空重减少/有效载荷增加,并搭载伊夫琴科AI-20K发动机。[1] An-10AS –Several aircraft modified for small package cargo transport with no seats.[1] 【参考译文】An-10AS——几架被改装成无座位的小型包裹货物运输机。[1] An-10B (first use ...
Views 2,766 Likes 10 Badges None Notes None Camera Panasonic Lumix DC-GH5 | Panasonic Lumix G Vario 100-300mm f/4-5.6 Show Exif data Aircraft Reg: UR-82009 full info | UR-82009 photos Aircraft: Antonov An-124-100M-150 Airline: Antonov Airlines Serial #: 19530501008 Photo ...