Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. 5 in B flat major, WAB 105(IV. Finale: Adagio)BBC Symphony Orchestra、Jascha Horenstein00:00 24:20 精彩评论 还没有人发评论,快来抢沙发吧!打开酷狗音乐 你的好友邀请你来酷狗音乐听歌 立即体验Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. 5 in B flat major, WAB 105 正在收听 打开...
Anton Bruckner: Symphony No. 5 表演者: Dohnanyi 专辑类型: Import 介质: Audio CD 发行时间: 1993-07-13 出版者: London 唱片数: 1 条形码: 0028943331821 豆瓣评分 暂无评分 想听 在听 听过 评价: 写短评 写乐评 加入豆列 分享到 推荐 曲目· ··· Sym No. 5 in B flat: I. Introduction...
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Anton Bruckner bili_75112313010 2024年11月30日 11:18 交响曲 Study Symphony in F minor WAB 99 Symphony in D minor WAB 100 Symphony No.1 in C minor WAB 101 Symphony No.2 in C minor WAB 102 Symphony No.3 in D minor WAB 103 Symphony No.4 in E flat major WAB 104...
The Symphony No 5 exists in essentially two versions: The 1878 Version prepared by Robert Haas and Leopold Nowak. There is virtually no difference between these two scores. The first published edition was heavily edited by Franz Schalk for its first publication in 1896. This version is rarely ...
安东·布鲁克纳 (1824-1896),奥地利著名作曲家,管风琴家。《降E大调第四交响曲“浪漫”》完成于1874年,随后完成过多次修订,切利用的是1881版(Ed. Haas)。这也是布鲁克纳唯一一部带标题的交响曲,《浪漫》这一标题含义颇为广泛,体现了作者热情洋溢的泛神论感情的丰富色彩,对大自然的虔诚,安然的爱,以及庄严的颂赞。
of his excellent Bruckner performances recorded in monaural thus relegating them to the historical dust bin. Fortunately, there are a few stereo recordings (a Bruckner 7th and the F major discarded trio to the Bruckner Symphony No. 9) but those Hessian Radio recordings have never been released....