代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制Cloud Studio 代码运行 // explicitly define keyword token types to avoid implicit definition warnings tokens { BEGIN, END, IF, THEN, WHILE } @lexer::members { // keywords map used in lexer to assign token types Map<String,Integer> keywords = new HashMa...
error(124): A.g4:6:23: rule alt label Stat conflicts with rule stat warning(125): A.g4:2:13: implicit definition of token INT in parser 1. 2. 3. 4. 3. 规则上下文对象 ANTLR 为每个规则引用生成规则上下文对象。对于只包含一个规则引用的规则,ANTLR 生成一个无参方法。如下规则所示,只有一...
IMPLICIT_TOKEN_DEFINITION, g.fileName, idAST.token, idAST.getText()); } g.defineTokenName(idAST.getText()); } // VERIFY TOKEN TYPES FOR STRING LITERAL REFS LIKE 'while', ';' for (GrammarAST termAST : terminals) { if (termAST.getType() != ANTLRParser.STRING_LITERAL) { continue; ...
warning(125): A.g4:2:13: implicit definition of token INT in parser I suggest file AE.g4 grammar AE; stat: ‘return’ e ‘;’ # Return | ‘break’ ‘;’ # Break ; e : e ‘*’ e # e | e ‘+’ e # Stat | INT # Int ; $ antlr4 AE.g4 error(124): AE.g4:5:23...
$ antlr4 A.g4 error(124): A.g4:5:23: rule alt label e conflicts with rule e error(124): A.g4:6:23: rule alt label Stat conflicts with rule stat warning(125): A.g4:2:13: implicit definition of token INT in parser Rule Context Objects ANTLR generates methods to access the ru...
The tokens section really just defines a set of tokens to add to the overall set. $ cat Tok.g4 grammar Tok; tokens { A, B, C } a : X ; $ antlr4 Tok.g4 warning(125): Tok.g4:3:4: implicit definition of token X in parser $ cat Tok.tokens A=1 B=2 C=3 X=4 Actions...
So ... any hints? Am I missing something? Some option/flag to put it into grammar definition file? Thanks! D. . Basically, when specifying a node type, you have to explicitly usenode=; you cannot rely on the implicit behavior as documented. For example, you would need to change this...
opStack.push(token); proi=1; }else if(opSet2.contains(token)){ proi=2; opStack.push(token); }else{ numStack.push(token); // 如果操作数前面的运算符是高优先级运算符,计算后结果入栈 if(proi==2){ calcExp(opStack,numStack); ...
Token first = LT(1); if ( inputState.guessing==0 ) { implicitParameters_AST = (AST)currentAST.root; implicitParameters_AST = (AST)astFactory.make( (new ASTArray(1)).add(create(IMPLICIT_PARAMETERS,"IMPLICIT_PARAMETERS",first,LT(1))); currentAST.root = implicitParameters_AST; currentAST...