Das Antivirenprogramm Malwarebytes Windows 11 schützt Ihren PC vor den neuesten Bedrohungen und Viren aus dem Internet.
Do I need antivirus protection for Windows 11? Installing an antivirus in addition to Windows Defender is highly recommended. Specialized antivirus solutions, such as Avira Free Security, have more powerful virus scan engines, larger malware databases, and receive updates more frequently compared to...
Windows 11, like previous versions, comes pre-packaged with Windows Security – an in-built antivirus to keep your PC secure out-of-the-box. Formerly known as Windows Defender, Windows Security offers reliable protection and enough features to keep your PC secure in more ways than one. But ...
Windows Microsoft Defender 防病毒在 Windows 10 和 Windows 11 以及 Windows Server 的多个版本中提供。Microsoft Defender 防病毒是 Microsoft Defender for Endpoint 中下一代保护的主要组件。 此保护结合了机器学习、大数据分析、深度威胁抵御研究和 Microsoft 云基础结构来保护组织中的设备(或终结点)。 Microsoft ...
Protect your privacy, identity, and devices with Windows Security. Explore Windows 11 security features like Microsoft Defender Antivirus that help keep you and your PC safe.
Looking for the best antivirus for Windows 11? Check out our top picks to protect your device as well as your system and network to the core!
Protect your privacy, identity, and devices with Windows Security. Explore Windows 11 security features like Microsoft Defender Antivirus that help keep you and your PC safe.
Avast free antivirus software for Windows 11 PC and laptops will help protect your device against online threats. Get Avast Antivirus for Windows 11.
在Windows 11上禁用常规扫描 要在Windows 11上禁用Defender Antivirus的常规扫描,请使用以下步骤: 1.打开Windows安全性。 2.单击病毒和威胁防护。 3.单击Microsoft Defender防病毒选项设置。 4.关闭开关进行定期扫描。 完成这些步骤后,当设备上有第三方解决方案时,Microsoft Defender防病毒软件将不会定期扫描您的计算机...
重新启动Windows 11。 病毒和威胁防护应在重新启动后关闭。请注意,您仍会在系统托盘区域中看到一个盾牌图标,因为盾牌图标是Windows安全图标,而不是Microsoft Defender防病毒图标。 上面提供关闭防火墙的具体方法,请大胆搞!!! 因为以上方法都试过无效的话,那就要使出我们的必杀技,用软件来一键关闭防火墙和系统更新。彻底...