This training session, delivered by the charity Just Enough, is part of Prevent, the UK government’s ground war against violent extremism. The programme is the most controversial aspect of its counter-terrorism strategy, seeking both to educate communities on the risks of radicalisation and to st...
"This is the first exercise of its kind between Serbian Interior Ministry and the Ministry of Public Security of China, which aimed to show the high level of training of these units and their ability to cooperate on some of the most complex tasks," Stefanovic said. ...
PayBitoPro shall keep staff training records for at least three years after completing training. 17. Staff Training PayBitoPro will use a mix of training techniques and tools in delivering training and allocate sufficient resources to meet the educational needs of the staff members. The Compliance ...
1.Framework Theglobalisationofthefinancialactivitiesandthefastdevelopmentofinformation technologiesarefactorsthatprovidenewopportunitiesfortheeconomytogrowand atthesametime,increasetheriskassociatedwithmoneylaundering. Thereinvestmentofcriminalincomeinlegalactivitiesandtheexistenceofoperators ...
RussiansoldiersarewelcomedastheyarriveatthetrainstationoftheZhurihetrainingbase,northChina'sInnerMongoliaAutonomousRegion,Aug. 16, 2014.ThefirstRussianarmyechelononSaturdayarrivedattheZhurihetrainingbase,where"PeaceMission-2014,"adrillundertheShanghaiCooperationOrganization(SCO)framework,willrunfromAug. 24-29.The...