男性反社会人格疾患个案的一级血亲,特别容易出现Briquet’s syndrome [这是在被诊断成体化症(somatization disorder)之前常见的前驱疾病〕。反社会人格疾患也容易参与诈病的行为(malingering) ,所谓诈病就是刻意的制造出身体和心理的症状,目的是为了附带收获。而Ganser’s症候群则是回答问题的时候,呈现出接近但是却不正...
PurposeTo investigate the predictive value of antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and features of ASPD (i.e., lack of remorse, blame externalization, and deceitfulness) for symptom exaggeration.van Impelen, AlfonsMerckelbach, HaraldJelicic, MarkoCampo, Joost A....
prosecution.Psychopathyispersonality disorderwith its narcissistic paranoid and borderline antisocial features. According to this week’s key concept video, they exhibit amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of the ability to love or establish meaningful and personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, ...
Translational Psychiatry (2016), 1 – 10 Genome-wide association study of antisocial personality disorder M-R Rautiainen et al 8 Association of rs4714329 to antisocial features in general the signal origin. However, analysis of the gene expression data population from the GTEx and Braineac ...
feelings of guilt. When this behavior is pervasive, a person may have a chronic mental health condition known as antisocial personality disorder. Sometimes people with antisocial personality disorder are called “sociopaths” or “psychopaths” depending upon the spectrum of severity of their disorder....
Personality disordersgeneral populationadultconstruct validityvalidation studiesBackground: Antisocial personality features have important clinical and epidemiological implications. However, the construct validity of internal of the self-reported scale for antisocial personality disorder of the Structured Clinical ...
Seventy-five live theater actors completed self-report questionnaires and two laboratory measures of response modulation, and peers completed questionnaires concerning the participants' personality disorder features. The results provided weak and inconsistent support for the hypotheses that HPD is a female-...
the antisocial personality disorder, the syndrome of malignant narcissism, the narcissistic personality disorders with antisocial behaviors, other severe personality disorders with antisocial features, neurotic personality disorders with antisocial features, symptomatic neuroses, and, finally, dissocial reactions....
New research examines differences and similarities between narcissistic personality disorder and antisocial personality disorder.
摘要: This chapter discusses the medical understanding of antisocial personality disorder (APSD), including research concerning its etiology, prevalence, pathology, differential diagnosis, and treatment. AS关键词: antisocial personality disorder psychopathy externalizing offenders aggression treatment cognitive ...