NORTH LONDON’S CURRENT MARKET FOR ANTIQUES(Above photo - This quirky antique Burmese davenport desk - exactly the sort of original piece we are after )Antiques tend to give a sense of homeyness, quality and grace to a space which only people with a fine taste in art see and with a ...
Handel lamps have been in the doldrums for the last couple of decades, but you wouldn’t have known that based on the results of this sale. Most prices were in line with prices from the peak of the market. We’ll see if this was a temporary blip or the start of an uptrend in Hand...
Antiques & Philately - Myanmar conferences, find and compare Antiques & Philately conferences in Myanmar (2025-26) 1. Greater Indianapolis Garage Sale & Marketplace, 2. Souvenir Expo Greece, 3. Sparkle International Gems & Jewellery Exhibition, 4. Souven
We were on a mission to study Asian furnishings from the post war era and had some shops in mind that might carry items of interest. But it’s difficult for us to travel more than a mile in any direction on a weekend without stopping at an estate or garage sale, flea market or anti...
We were on a mission to study Asian furnishings from the post war era and had some shops in mind that might carry items of interest. But it’s difficult for us to travel more than a mile in any direction on a weekend without stopping at an estate or garage sale, flea market or anti...
Tudor hen market basket woven for me in England.Present from Adam. We are so fortunate to have the extremely rare and valuable early 17thc. stumpwork baby cap. It features metallic thread and was the property of a high status English family at the time. A lucky baby to have had this ...
Then I saw an article about a publisher looking for people to reviewApartment Therapy’snew bookComplete + Happy Home. The ultra-bog, Apartment Therapy, features apartments designed by thousands of creative renters and home owners using flea market, antique shop furniture and furnishings mixed with...
Hotels near similar destinations Tavistock Pannier Market Hotels Situated at the very heart of the historic town of Tavistock is the ancient Pannier Market. A range of quality stalls and services available all year round and a fantastic tourist attraction.Tavistock Pannier Mar...
James D. Julia, Inc. held itsImportant Lamps, Glass & Fine Jewelryauction on November 18, 2016, with gross sales of $3.1 million, a record for the lamp & glass division. Much of the merchandise offered was fresh to the market from important collections in the Midwest, Florida and elsewher...
When visiting Vienna antiques market, the Naschmarkt, I saw this beautiful old spoon circa ... READ MORE What To Do in Vienna December 2, 2016 What to do in Vienna? If you have a weekend getaway to Vienna, here is the quick guide of ... ...