stores, Marshall Field made a lot of trunks. Mostly all standardbox trunks, a little short in snappy features, but they worked and lastedwell. Covered trays were standard issue. Started late 1800s,made trunks up until the 1940s, as near as we can tell. M. M. SECORSecor made the ...
different junk style antique & collectible stores. 近年到東京遊玩,花最多時間的,便是閒逛那些日系歐美風的ANTIQUE SHOP;所謂「花時間」,其實是很正面而且值得的,因為這類店子多開設在SHOPPING區域以外的寧謐 地段,通常要穿越九曲十三彎才能夠通往之秘密花園,但那總發 現 寶藏 的驚 喜與感動...
different junk style antique & collectible stores. 近年到東京遊玩,花最多時間的,便是閒逛那些日系歐美風的ANTIQUE SHOP;所謂「花時間」,其實是很正面而且值得的,因為這類店子多開設在SHOPPING區域以外的寧謐 地段,通常要穿越九曲十三彎才能夠通往之秘密花園,但那總發 現 寶藏 的驚 喜與感動...
different junk style antique & collectible stores. 近年到東京遊玩,花最多時間的,便是閒逛那些日系歐美風的ANTIQUE SHOP;所謂「花時間」,其實是很正面而且值得的,因為這類店子多開設在SHOPPING區域以外的寧謐 地段,通常要穿越九曲十三彎才能夠通往之秘密花園,但那總發 現 寶藏 的驚 喜與感動...