“This year, we are expecting a flock of race cars from Sprint cars to Indy cars. In addition, we’ll have a number of Ferrari’s, Mercedes Benz, Jaguars, Rolls’ as well as Chevrolets, Studebakers, Fords, and everything in between. I always tell people we’d like any car to be...
. . 可能被用在非常第一类型"印第安纳波利斯500"(Vehicular _Exterior_ antique auto race . . . old time race cars . . . the type that might have been used in the very first "Indianapolis 500"), 本站编号31450252, 该音效专辑素材大小为11m, 时长为01:06, 声道为立体声, 音质为SQ无损品质...
A rare stop for Great Race ; For first time in 25 years, nine-day trek around lakes will lead antique cars hereThe Great Race the annual antique automobile competition -- iscoming to Buffalo for the first...Williams, Deidre
Old prints of France (1364) and the great Dukes of the Low Countries, the jewel-chamber of the prince was his pride in peace and his treasury in war: it furnished gifts for the bride, the favorite, and the heir, and for foreign ambassadors and princes; it afforded pay for retainers be...