Our stock of hundreds of fine objects, mostly for sale include medieval swords, suits of armor, shields and edged weapons of all types. We have daggers, battle axes, polearms, maces. warhammers as well as artifacts, art, and vintage collectibles. We are also in the process of gr...
Click image for more details. 1731) CASTILLON TYPE XV SWORD EXCEPTIONALLY RARE AND HIGHLY SOUGHT-AFTER 1420-1450: For less than half of what they sell for at European auction houses!!! Introduction: Ask any collector, and they will tell you that the holy grail of medieval swords is from...
1731)CASTILLON TYPE XV SWORD EXCEPTIONALLY RARE AND HIGHLY SOUGHT-AFTER 1420-1450:For less thanhalfof what they sell for at European auction houses!!! Introduction:Ask any collector, and they will tell you that the holy grail of medieval swords is from the Castillon group, which was discovered...