trunk-maker, 73 N 5thStreet (also listed as such inthis location in 1823 dir.)Shown in 1825Philadelphia City Directory Davis Trunk Factory Years of operation 1889-1920Los Angeles Dennison, E.C. Co 1024-32 N. High Street,Columbus, Ohio Makers of Fireproof WardrobeTrunks(asbestos inside) ...
Specifications for classic autos, antique cars, vintage cars, old cars and muscle cars - American cars 1910 to 1975 - over 33,000 models. Includes, engine/transmission data, wheelbase, production nos., VIN’s, & more. Also, parts & car dealers, restora
Here is were I enter the confessional. I have a strange addiction to kitchen utensils. It started many years ago while traveling and stopping at antique stores with Wifey in Ohio. I found a very ornate grape shears. Used to cut the stems of a bunch of grapes into little clusters of thre...
Here is were I enter the confessional. I have a strange addiction to kitchen utensils. It started many years ago while traveling and stopping at antique stores with Wifey in Ohio. I found a very ornate grape shears. Used to cut the stems of a bunch of grapes into little clusters of thre...