Antimycin A1 抗霉素A1 MS0071-500UG 500µg 642-15-9 3400 产品描述 抗霉素A(Antimycin A,CAS:1397-94-0),分离自链霉菌属(Streptomyces Sp.)的代谢产物,具抗真菌、杀虫、杀线虫和灭鱼特性,由四种异构体抗霉素A1,A2,A3,A4组成的混合物。是强效的线粒体呼吸链抑制剂,通过抑制复合物III的线粒体电子传...
Once sufficiently loaded, antimycin A (Sigma–Aldrich) was introduced at various concentrations. Cells were imaged using the QMAX GR TE-10 filter set (Omega Optical), as recommended by Evrogen for nonratiometric imaging of the Hyper reporter protein. The filter set for excitation between 450 and...
Sigma-Aldrich A8674 Antimycin A from Streptomyces sp. 1397-94-0 100mg $229 2024-03-01 BuyANTIMYCIN A Chemical Properties,Uses,Production Description Antimycin (A3 C26H36N2O9) and (AntimycinA1) C28H40N2O9 are crystalline solids. Molecularweight= 512.8 (A); 520.64 (A3-); 506.6 (A4-)...
Haematologic Technologies,Haematologic Technologies Inc,Hyglos,IBL,immunodx,Immunostep,ImmunoVision,innovagen,iris-biotech,jackson抗体,lifecore,LSBIO,macrocyclics,medkoo biosciences,NEB,NIBSC,NIST标准品,omega试剂盒,Percipio Biosciences,PhosphoSolution,promocell,sigma,thermo,TLC标准品,tocris,试剂盒,细胞株,重组...
Sigma-Aldrich Thermo Merck Millipore MKBio Omega Jackson Bio-Rad BD eppendorf GE Healthcare Promega Time saver BioLegend Corning Cytoskeleton Cayman Equitech-Bio Lonza HumanZyme Stemgent NEST Abways Plantmedia Polysciences FD NeuroTechnologies Hypoxyprobe ...