The use of antimicrobials in food animal (FA) production is a common practice all over the world, with even greater usage and dependence in the developing world, including Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). However, this practice which serves obvious economic benefits to producers has raised public health...
analysis collected which data on antimicrobial consumption from food-producing animals and humans, the association of cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones in the occurrence of resistance in indicator E coli, and the importance on the use of antimicrobials to provide antimicrobial resistance to people and ...
This review comprehensively introduces the history and trends of antimicrobial use, the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance in food animals provides suggestions to tackle the problems of the spread of antimicrobial resistance. This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an ...
Antimicrobial resistance emerges from the use of antimicrobials in animals and the subsequent transfer of resistance genes and bacteria among animals and animal products and the environment. To slow the development of resistance, some countries have restricted antimicrobial use in feed, and some groups ...
Thompson W, Shah S, Wordley V and Edwards D. Understanding the impact of COVID-19 on dental antibiotic prescribing across England: ‘it was a minefield'.Br Dent J2022;233:653-658. Thompson W. Spread awareness; stop resistance.Br Dent J2021;231:531. ...
The use of antibiotics has enabled the successful treatment of bacterial infections, saving the lives and improving the health of many patients worldwide. However, the emergence and spread of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has been highlighted as a globa
The data in this review provide a benchmark to help focus research and policies on AMU and AMR in the region. Keywords: antimicrobial resistance; antimicrobial consumption; antimicrobial residues; animal production; farms; chickens; pigs; Salmonella; E. coli 1. Introduction Antimicrobial resistance (...
Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Controlis calling for submissions to our collection onIntervention and implementation research to contextualise AMS and IPC solutions. This collection will focus on the use of intervention and implementation research to contextualise, improve, and inform policy on antimic...
Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection Controlis calling for submissions to our collection onIntervention and implementation research to contextualise AMS and IPC solutions. This collection will focus on the use of intervention and implementation research to contextualise, improve, and inform policy on antimic...
Iodine is an effectivedisinfectantof wounds, particularly when used in an alcohol solution. The salts of most metals are generally too toxic to use on living tissues, but complex organic mercury salts (e.g., mercurochrome, merthiolate) in alcohol solution are highly bacteriostatic and make useful...