dbaasp : database of antimicrobial activity and structure of peptides[J] . Giorgi Gogoladze,Maia Grigolava,Boris Vishnepolsky,Mindia Chubinidze,Patrice Duroux,Marie‐Paule Lefranc,Malak Pirtskhalava.FEMS Microbiol Lett . 2014 (1)Gogoladze,G. et al. (2014) DBAASP: database of antimicrobial...
The Database of Antimicrobial Activity and Structure of Peptides (DBAASP, https://dbaasp.org/) is an open-access, comprehensive database containing information related to amino acid sequences, chemical modifications, 3D structures, bioactivities and toxicities of peptides that possess antimicrobial ...
Pirtskhalava M, Gabrielian A, Cruz P, Griggs HL, Squires RB, Hurt DE et al (2016) DBAASP v.2: an enhanced database of structure and antimicrobial/cytotoxic activity of natural and synthetic peptides. Nucleic Acids Res 44(D1):D1104–D1112 Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Prasad SV...
Finally, the DBAASP (acronym for DataBase of Antimicrobial Activity and Structure of Peptides - https://dbaasp.org/) was developed to provide information and analytical resources for the scientific community, to help in developing antimicrobial compounds with a high therapeutic index (Pirtskhalava ...
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), a ubiquitous class of naturally occurring compounds with broad-spectrum antipathogenic activity, hold significant promise as an effective solution to the current antimicrobial resistance (AMR) crisis. Several AMPs have been identified and evaluated for their therapeutic ...
Considering this, we developed a comprehensive user-friendly data repository of antimicrobial peptides (DRAMP), which holds 17349 antimicrobial sequences, including 4571 general AMPs, 12704 patented sequences and 74 peptides in drug development. Entries in the database have detailed annotations, ...
Plant antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are a component of barrier defense system of plants. They have been isolated from roots, seeds, flowers, stems, and leaves of a wide variety of species and have activities towards phytopathogens, as well as against bacteria pathogenic to humans. Thus, plant...
antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from databases. The amino acid counts were assessed using predicted EPs from the human proteome, natural and synthetic peptides from Database of Antimicrobial Activity and Structure of Peptides (DBAASP), Antimicrobial Peptide Database (APD)-3, and Data Repository of ...
Systematically identifying functional peptides is difficult owing to the vast combinatorial space of peptide sequences. Here we report a machine-learning pipeline that mines the hundreds of billions of sequences in the entire virtual library of peptides
There, the authors trained an RNN on the entire DBAASP before fine-tuning two models, one on just non-hemolytic peptides active against P. aeruginosa/A. baumannii and another on those active against S. aureus79. Ultimately, 28 peptides were synthesized and tested and eight were active and ...