Glaucoma—A slight increase in inner eye pressure may occur. Heart or blood vessel disease or High blood pressure—The decongestant in this medicine may cause the blood pressure to increase and may also speed up the heart rate Kidney disease—Higher blood levels of loratadine may result, which ...
Antihistamines are drugs which treat allergic rhinitis and other allergies. Typically people take antihistamines as an inexpensive, generic, over-the-counter drug that can provide relief from nasal congestion, sneezing, or hives caused by pollen, dust mi
, and . Diphenhydramine should be used with caution (if at all) in persons with narrow-angleglaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostategland),hyperthyroidism, cardiovascular disease,high blood pressure(hypertension), andasthma. Diphenhydramine doses vary depending on the formulation and have their...
Acetaminophen and Pseudoephedrine are also found in some Benadryl products, and while these are a great addition for humans, they are not safe for dogs. If given to dogs, these drugs are considered to be toxins. The most common problems caused by these two additional drugs are liver damage, ...