The %p2PSA pooled estimates were always greater than those of PSA, and so was the cumulative pooled AUC (0.687 versus 0.538; p<0.001). The diagnostic odds ratio was more than double for %p2PSA than for total PSA (4.0 versus 1.7). With a sensitivity of 0.95, routine p2PSA testing ...
Carcinoma Della Prostata a Cellule Chiare E Scure: Grading E Correlazioni Immunoistochimiche Con Antigene Prostatico Specifico Ed Isoantigeni a B O1. Brawn, P. N. , Ayala, A. G. , Van Eschenbach, A. C. , Hussey, D. H. , Johnson, D. E. : Histologic grading study of prostate...