抗原抗体反应 Antigen-antibody reaction.ppt,二、反应的环境因素 电解质:常用生理盐水或缓冲液 抗原抗体结合由亲水胶体转变为疏水胶体的过程中,电解质可以中和抗原抗体表面的电荷,破坏水化层,使抗原抗体复合物相互靠拢聚集,出现可见反应。电解质浓度过高会出现盐析现象
Antigen-AntibodyReactionInjectmicrobe/exotoxinserumagglutinin/antitoxin??antibodyAbantigenAg1890年,德国学者EvonBehring和日本学者北里(SKitasato)在Koch研究所应用白喉外毒素给马免疫制抗血清Antigen,Ag 抗原是指能与相应克隆的淋巴细胞上独特的抗原受体特异性结合,诱导淋巴细胞产生免疫应答的物质。 免疫原性 免疫反应性1...
Antigen and antibody reaction has been used for many years to detect a wide variety of food constituents including substances responsible for adulterations and contaminations. The interaction antigen–antibody is very specific and useful for the detection of residues of chemical and veterinary drugs...
Disclosed is a non-A, non-B hepatitis virus antigen peptide which exhibits antigen-antibody reaction specificity with at least one of sera from a convalescent patient having acute non-A, non-B hepatitis and sera from a patient having chronic non-A, non-B hepatitis. By the use of the ...
Other articles where antigen-antibody reaction is discussed: allergy: …effects are the result of antibody-antigen responses (i.e., they are the products of B-cell stimulation). These can be divided into three basic types.
NATURE OF THE REACTION BETWEEN ANTIGEN AND ANTIBODY. 来自 NCBI 喜欢 0 阅读量: 29 作者: HUGHES-JONES,N. C 展开 摘要: HUGHES-JONES NC. 展开 关键词: Antigen-Antibody Complex DOI: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.bmb.a070052 被引量: 34 年份: 1963 ...
antigen-antibody reaction 英文antigen-antibody reaction 中文【医】 抗原抗体反应(查免疫性)
antigen-antibody reaction Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Financial, Acronyms, Encyclopedia. antigen [an´tĭ-jen] any substance capable, under appropriate conditions, of inducing a specific immune response and reacting with the products of that response; that is, with specific antibody ...
Chapter4Chapter4AntigenAntigenChapter4Chapter4AntigenAntigenIntroduction Antigenanditscharacteristics Factorsofaffectingimmunogenicityofantigen Specificityandcrossreactionofantigen Classificationofantigen Importantantigensinmedicine AdjuvantsChapter4AntigenChapter4AntigenPartIAntigenanditscharacteristicsI.DefinitionofantigenAntigen...
antigen-antibody reaction 抗原和对应抗体在一定条件下特异结合形成可逆性抗原-抗体复合物的过程。抗原-抗体是免疫球蛋白分子上的抗原结合簇与抗原分子上的抗原决定簇相互吸引以及多种分子间的引力参与发生的。这种反应没有化学键的形成。由于抗原的物理性状、抗体的特点、参与反应的介质和实验条件的不同,抗原-抗体反应...