Microsomal extracts have been found unreliable leading to many falsely negative results. Immunopurified or recombinant TPO give identical results ana their use is highly recommended.doi:10.1016/j.immbio.2003.12.007R.L. HumbelS. BastinP. SchmitG.GilsonImmuno-analyse & Biologie Spécialisée...
Informations Réactifs: Insuline, Peptide C, anticorps anti-ICA, anti-GAD65, anti-IA2 et anti-insulineabs. lum.absorption lumineuseémis. lum.émission lumineuseRyt.rayonnementPALPhosphatase alcalinePODPeroxydaseOptically pure P-chiral (dialkyl)arylphosphine–boranes having high structural diversity were...