Aim Anticoagulant therapy is considered a high-risk medication strategy with a narrow therapeutic window and the need for close monitoring, particularly with vitamin K antagonists. The nature of the drugs as well as the way they are administered make it more likely mistakes will occur. At all ...
Anticoagulant Therapy 抗凝治疗综述 AnticoagulantTherapy DefinitionofAnticoagulation •Therapeuticinterference("blood-thinning")withtheclottingmechanismofthebloodtopreventortreatthrombosisandembolism.Overview •Indications•Abasiccasestudy•Heparin/heparinlikedrugsandtheir complications•Warfarin•Newanticoagulantdrug...
therapy (redirected fromanticoagulant therapy) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to anticoagulant therapy:anticoagulant drugs ther·a·py (thĕr′ə-pē)·a·pies 1.Treatment of illness, injury, or disability. 2.Psychotherapy. ...
DVT patients may need to take anticoagulants for long periods of time and may require blood testing to monitor for hemorrhage, a side effect of anticoagulant therapy. Thrombolytic drugs (fibrinolytic drugs) may be used when anticoagulants are ineffective. Some clots must be removed surgically, via ...
In the first study,8 nine of 35 patients receiving long-term, low dose heparin after acute therapy with intravenous heparin had new episodes of objectively documented venous thromboembolism; none of 33 patients receiving warfarin sodium developed recurrences. However, seven patients on warfarin sodium ...
(eg, warfarin) are usually the drugs of choice for long-term anticoagulant therapy, but such drugs have a delayed onset of anticoagulant effect. Initial short-term anticoagulant therapy with alternative drugs is necessary in patients with acute VTE, and failure to do so results in a threefold ...
Control of heparin therapy with activated partial thromboplastin times. J. Am. med. Ass. 201, 157. Article Google Scholar Stolley, P D (1973). A review of the evidence associating exogenous estrogen administration with thromboembolism. Thrombosis: Mechanisms and control; transactions III Congress ...
Anticoagulant therapy aims to prevent recurrent ischaemic stroke and venous thromboembolism Anticoagulant drugs do not benefit patients with acute ischaemic stroke of presumed arterial or cardiac origin, but long-term treatment with these drugs benefits patients with ischaemic stroke of presumed cardiac origi...
(redirected fromanticoagulant drugs) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia an·ti·co·ag·u·lant (ăn′tē-kō-ăg′yə-lənt, ăn′tī-) n. A substance that slows or prevents the clotting of blood. adj. Acting as an anticoagulant. ...
However, the anticoagulant effects of the new drugs cannot be reliably measured or rapidly reversed in the event of major non-compressible bleeding or urgent surgery. In addition, the new agents cannot be used in patients with severe renal impairment or active liver disease. Ongoing research aims...