Life-threatening illnesses in childhood are considered a crisis for the whole family, especially for the mother, which leads to experiencing different degrees of grief and emotional-behavioral problems. Objective The present study is conducted with the aim of explaining the concept of anticipatory gri...
I argue that anticipatory grief is temporal and relational, encompassing both present and future losses, and involving a con- tinuous negotiation between the loss and the continuing relationship. I underscore the entanglement of loss and connection, showing how both exist parallel to, and may emerge...
Anticipatory Grief, Death and Bereavement:A ContinuumIllness, Crisis, & LossIllness Crisis & Loss
Rando TA. Loss and Anticipatory Grief. Lexington, MA: Lexington Books; 1986.Rando, T. A. (1986). Loss and anticipatory grief. Massachusetts: Lexigton Books.Rando, T. (1986). Loss and anticipatory grief. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Lexington....
This article examines the context of anticipatory grief as a framework for addressing HIV as a chronic illness. A spectrum of strategies are provided for coping with anticipatory grief and multiple losses related to providing services to those HIV/AIDS infected.Amandia Speakes-Lewis...