这也可以称为预知性焦虑(anticipatoryanxiety),似乎在预知未来岁月中全部可能发生的危害和灾难。皮肤划破一个浅表的小 … zhidao.baidu.com|基于9个网页 3. 预期性焦虑 当你因为可能发生的事感到难过,或者面对让你害怕的情境时,你会感到焦虑,这就是预期性焦虑(anticipatoryanxiety)。有… ...
所谓的「预期性的焦虑(Anticipatory anxiety)」。它的特徵是如果个案预期会担心什麽事情, 结果到时候真的就害怕了。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com|基于71个网页 2. 预期焦虑 2)预期焦虑(Anticipatory Anxiety):在反复发作之后的间歇期,因担心再次 发作而惴惴不安。 3)求助和回避行为。
Twitter Google Share on Facebook anticipatory anxiety Psychiatry Anxiety caused by an expectation of anxiety or panic in a particular situation. Seeperformance anxiety. McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. ...
Anticipatoryanxietyoccurs when you feel dread andfearabout an upcoming event, and limited information is available to you. While not a standalone mental health diagnosis, anticipatory anxiety is a symptom of other conditions includingpanic disorderand generalized anxiety disorder. The good news is a...
Anticipatory anxiety is a discomforting and disquieting mind game you play on yourself and can negatively affect your mental health. For example, you’re going to the dentist, and you feel anxious. You’re about to take a test, and you feel anxious. You’ve been asked for a meeting with...
Anticipatory anxiety can sometimes lead to the development of phobic disorders like agoraphobia, which is the fear of public places and leaving the home. Sufferers are worried they will have an anxiety episode out in public so they avoid going out. ...
Anticipatory anxiety is defined as fears or worries that precede an event and occurs before the hospital admission or surgical procedure. From: Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 2017 About this pageSet alert Also in subject areas: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology PsychologyDiscover other topics...
Anticipatory Anxiety In subject area: Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Anxiety can be subdivided into (1) anticipatory anxiety, a passive avoidance-conditioned component caused by expectation in a stressful situation, and (2) innate fear, an active avoidance-unconditioned component in which...
1) anticipatory anxiety 预期焦虑 2) Anxiety intervention 焦虑干预 例句>> 3) chronic anxiety 长期焦虑 4) expectancy anxiety 期待焦虑 5) Menopause angst 更年期焦虑 例句>> 6) Postpartum anxiety 产褥期焦虑 补充资料:法国国家宪兵干预大队 国家宪兵干预大队的创建 ...
Some people experience anticipatory anxiety prior to events or activities they have never done before; the unknown becomes more fearful than the known. For instance, if one is preparing to give a speech in front of a large crowd, one might experience anticipatory anxiety whether or not they hav...