In Other Words: What effects do you anticipate from the new advertising laws?Jennifer Nall
In other words, people need to be able to connect it to who you are, what you stand for, what you decided when you faced a dilemma, etc. This is what Aristotle labeled Ethos, the character of the speaker should align with the words. Your behavioral integrity is vital if you don’t ...
performance in the second half year. 隨著需求繼續回升,預期下半年業績應有較大改善。 [...] same time, we shall enable other countries with younger populationstoanticipatethetimes that ...
In addition, this shop provides various types of classic sample essays, such as English words, English grammar, English listening, English knowledge points, Chinese knowledge points, classical Chinese, mathematical formulas, mathematics knowledge points, composition books, other materials, etc. Learn abou...
to believe in the future occurrence of (something) I anticipate that we'll be seeing you for New Year's Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance expect await predict foresee hope (for) watch (for) look for look forward to view envision assume rely (on or upon) wait (for...
1. I feel very uncomfortable and awkward walking on grass in high heels. 2. Although we were supposed to finish the project this month, it looks like the work will stretch well into next month. 3. Although I was tired and lagging behind, I kept running and started to ___ other runner...
However, although both words relate to a person's knowledge of something that will happen in the future, there are subtle differences in meaning that should be understood when choosing which word to use. Anticipate means that someone foresees an event and has prepared for it, while expect ...
Faraday thinks from day to day, against a background of older thinking, and anticipating new facts of tomorrow. In other words, he thinks in three dimensions of time; past, present, and future. — Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy In 'The Scientific Grammar of Michael Faraday’s Diaries', Part I, ...
find more words you can make below Anticipate Definition verb-transitive Tocausetohappeninadvance;accelerate. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition Todealwith beforehand;actso as tomitigate,nullify, orprevent:anticipatedthestormbyboardingup thewindows. SeeSynonymsatexp...
aRather they are a set of characteristics that spring either from fortuitous opportunity for example, being in the right place at the right time or historical legacy, such as cultural background. In other words, people are not the sole architects of their own success. And, given this, it ...