anticancer drugs 抗癌药物 双语对照 词典结果:anticancer drugs [医]抗癌药;以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.For instance, many of the recent and upcoming anticancer drugs are custom-designedbiological molecules.例如,最近和即将出现的抗癌药物中,有很大是定制设计的生物分子。--- 如有疑问欢迎追问!
抗癌药物Anticancerdrugs 参考书目:抗癌药物的化学与药理学,原著DavidE.Thurston,主译刘吉成,人民卫生出版社,2008 Tumor/neoplasm:非正常组织团块导致的细胞过度增殖,组织异常生长。控制细胞生长机制失控。Cancer:/多个细胞生长失去控制的疾病。一般根据其产生部位的组织类型命名 Facts:死亡率居第二位1/3一生中患癌症...
Anticancer drug, any drug that is effective in the treatment of malignant, or cancerous, disease. There are several major classes of anticancer drugs; these include alkylating agents, antimetabolites, natural products, and hormones. In addition, there ar
抗癌药物Anticancerdrugs * * * * 抗癌药物Anticancer drugs 参考书目:抗癌药物的化学与药理学,原著David E. Thurston,主译刘吉成,人民卫生出版社,2008 Tumor/neoplasm: 非正常组织团块导致的细胞过度增殖,组织异常生长。控制细胞生长机制失控。 Cancer: 单个/多个细胞生长失去控制的疾病。一般根据其产生部位的组织类型...
AnticancerDrugs抗肿瘤药物 Anti-CancerDrugs Cancercenter,SunYat-senUniversityQuentinLiu 实用文档 Overview IntroductionOverall5-yearsurvival:about40%,Mortality:second.实用文档 Overview Goaloftreatment:CurePalliationIndicationsoftreatment:Neoplasmsdisseminate;Supplementtosurgeryandradiation.实用文档 Overview Tumor...
Antineoplastic drugs have become the first cause of DILI in hospitals. A multidisciplinary approach and specific educational tools to increase DILI awareness are needed among different specialists.Pocurull, AnnaMoreta, Maria JoséHeitman, DavidOlivas, Ignasi...
Anticancer drugs: Cutting down on prostate cancer metastasesdoi:10.1038/nrd.2018.225Cully, MeganNature Publishing GroupNature Reviews Drug Discovery
Anticancer drugs: IDH2 drives cancer in vivoAnimalsHumansChondrosarcomaIsocitrate DehydrogenaseMutationLeukemia, Myeloid, AcuteBone NeoplasmsFemaleThe article focuses on the potential association of isocitrate dehydrogenase 2 (IDH2) mutation in sarcoma and leukaemia in vivo development. It references the ...
Anticancer drugs and immunomodulators Cytostatics belong to a class of drugs with a narrow therapeutic index resulting in frequent and severe adverse effects. In the past, considerable efforts have been made to avoid or decrease significant toxicity, of which preventive measures [1,2] or optimal ...