Complete graphical analysis of positive and negative signal intensities, concentration, and separation or stain index data is highly beneficial when paired with visual analysis of the cytometry data. Using analytical flow cytometry procedures optimized for cells for EV analysis can lead to misleading and...
Figure 6: Analysis of fixed and permeabilized human PBMCs using BATF3 (E3K5H) Rabbit mAb (right) or concentration-matched Rabbit (DA1E) mAb IgG XP®Isotype Control (left), co-stained prior to fixation with CD11c (3.9) Mouse mAb (FITC Conjugate). Anti-rabbit IgG (H+L), F(ab')2 ...
The binding kinetics of the hypoxia marker EF5 can be quantified by uptake of$^{14}C-labeled$drug or calibrated flow cytometry using antibodies specific for drug adducts. Maximum EF5 binding is cell-line dependent and varies directly with drug exposure (area under the curve; concentration integr...
For those kits, please see instructions on how to adjust protein concentration for optimal dye:protein ratios. **FC=flow cytometry; IF=immunofluorescence; WB=western blot analysis; HCA=high content analysis Not looking for a kit or need a different dye? For flow cytometry antibody conjugation,...
Titration is the process of identifying the correct concentration of antibody to use for a given assay. This ensures the antibody performs within acceptable parameters including reducing negative effects and waste. Titration for flow cytometry is used to determine the antibody amount and concentration re...
or recombinant Fc protein, etc.. Note that for staining of whole blood this is not necessary, because serum in high concentration is present during staining. However, it's always be recommended to do Fc receptors blockade prior to sample staining if your sample contains the cell types mentioned...
All IgG samples were tested at 750 μg/mL IgG, the same total IgG concentration as the day 42 samples (Supplementary Table 1, study number MA0068-1). For the CoPoP/PHAD groups, unlike the geometric mean of the IgGs in serum, the anti-Pfs230C1 levels per total IgG following IgG ...
Flow Cytometry Label DyLight 594 (Excitation = 593 nm, Emission = 618 nm) Antibody Source Recombinant Monoclonal Rat IgG2B Clone # 475301 Concentration Please see the vial label for concentration. If unlisted please contact technical services. View all CCR2 Antibodies » Product Specifi...
4D) and for other Mylc cell lines (D05 and PhF cell lines) (Supplemental Fig. 4E). Taken together, these results demonstrate that Cas and Imd mAbs have the potential to cause ADE of infection at a particular Ab concentration, and that the ADE observed is dependent on ACE2 and FcR. ...
Flow Cytometry Label PE/Cy5.5 (Excitation = 488 nm, Emission = 695 nm) Antibody Source Monoclonal Rat IgG2B Clone # 217106 Concentration Please see the vial label for concentration. If unlisted please contact technical services. View all CD133 Antibodies » Product Specifications Immuno...