Antibiotics 101: Common Names, Types & Their Uses Anticholinergic Drugs to Avoid in the Elderly Treatment options Medications for Bacterial Vaginosis Medications for Urinary Tract Infection Medications for Viral Infection Care guides Bacterial Vaginosis Gonorrhea Interstitial Cystitis Kidney Infection Ovarian Ab...
Antineoplasticantibiotics are a class of drugs used to treat various types of cancers including cancer of the stomach or pancreas, urothelial cancer (cancer of the lining of thebladderand other parts of theurinary tract), acute myeloidleukemia(cancer that begins in the white blood cells), head a...
Here is a table of commonly encountered antibiotics, their generic names, and brand names: Aminoglycosides amikacin (Amikin) gentamicin (Garamycin) kanamycin (Kantrex) neomycin (Mycifradin) streptomycin tobramycin (TOBI, Tobrex) Carbapenems doripenem (Doribax) ertapenem (Invanz) Imipenem-cilastatin...
Each antibiotic is effective only for certain types of infections, and your doctor is best able to compare your needs with the available medicines. Also, a person may have allergiesthat eliminate a class of antibiotics from consideration, such as a penicillin allergypreventing your doctor from pres...
1.any of a large group of chemical substances, as penicillin and streptomycin, that are produced by various microorganisms and fungi, have the capacity in dilute solutions to inhibit the growth of or to destroy bacteria and other microorganisms, and are used in the treatment of infectious disease...
•EffectbothG+andGbacteria •Tetracycline •Narrowspectrumantibiotics •Effectsfewertypesofpathogens •Moreselective?•Penicillin–bestagainstG+bacteria Howdoantibioticswork?CellWallSynthesis •Penicillin•Preventssynthesisofthepeptidoglycan componentsofthecellwall•Targetsactivelygrowingcells•Verylittle...
•EffectbothG+andGbacteria •Tetracycline •Narrowspectrumantibiotics •Effectsfewertypesofpathogens •Moreselective?•Penicillin–bestagainstG+bacteria Howdoantibioticswork?Inhibitionofproteinsynthesis •Broadspectrumofactivity–allbacteriahavetomakeproteins •Differenceinribosomesizeinbacteriaaccountsfor...
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“antibiotic” called isoniazid is used for the treatment of tuberculosis in human medicine, and can be deadly when dogs and cats ingest them (resulting in severe tremors, seizures, and death). As there are hundreds of different types of antibiotics, always check with your veterinarian or Pet ...
importanttreatmentsandmustbebasedondietcontroland exercisetherapy.Manytypesofdrugs,diabetespatientsshould notarbitrarilychooseanduseofmedicines,mustcomplywith thedoctor'sadvice,throughscientificcompatibility,time taking,reasonablechoiceaccordingtothecondition,inorder ...