There are many advantages of this approach, the most important being that it saves time and labor. Furthermore, it also can detect interactions between various medium components, which is not possible with the ‘one variable at a time’ approach. For the development of the optimum medium, it...
Without analysis of the decision-making process, the physician will most likely come to the conclusion, that gut feeling or experience were responsible for the correct decision to start antibiotics. Gut feeling may be translated as knowing without knowing why. Experience is the result of causal ...
Physicians caring for neonates with nonspecific clinical signs such as respiratory distress often prescribe antibiotics due to their concern that the patient may have bacterial sepsis. This judgment is only verifiable if the blood cultures become positive. Otherwise, the quality of the decision remains ...
There is growing global recognition that the continued emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria poses a serious threat to human health. Action plans released by the World Health Organization and governments of the UK and USA in particular recognize that
TE Parent - Take as Directed: Barry Blackwell, Writing in the New England Journal of Medicine (1973) Offered That, "Too Often a Prescription Signals the End to an Interview Rather Than the Start of an Alliance." in the Case of "Prescribing" Engage in Special Olympics, the "Alliance" Is...
Our findings show that more than half of the participants were familiar with the term ‘antibiotic/antimicrobial stewardship’, however, a few of the healthcare professionals selected the correct definition/description of AMS. More than half of the participants did not know if AMS programmes were ...
Objectives To explore how parents communicate their preferences for antibiotics to their child's physician and to examine whether physicians can communicate why antibiotics are not being prescribed in a way that maintains satisfaction with the visit. Design Previsit survey of parents, audiotaping of th...
Most of the studies presented the results of the experiments with the antibiotics concentration that does not occur in real wastewater; therefore, it is hard to evaluate the real impact of antibiotics on the anammox process implemented in full-scale reactor. A few studies have investigated the ...
Let's start with the first breakthrough when it came to human fashion: We lost our fur. Sure, bare skin is all the rage these days, but it wasn't always the style. Researchers now suggest that humans might have developed a less Robin Williams-type look around a million years ago. ...
We have previously found that an endogenous protein directly interacts with mtCcO and allosterically modulates mtCcO activity24,25. This finding led us to perform random compound screening that modulates mtCcO activity; we identified mtCcO inhibitors, chemically distinct from the known inhibitors, ...