Antibiotic-resistant bacteria from livestock can spread to humans via many channels: soil, air, water and food. Studies have found high levels of contamination with antibiotic-resistant bacteria in meat sold in retail stores. In 2012, an outbreak of salmonella that was resistant to multiple antibi...
I point out these facts as a dedicated meat lover. I will eat filet mignons all day long. Like everyone, I strike a balance between the things I enjoy and their cost. But just as I don't allow my love of steak to cloud my awareness of the environmental impact of beef, neither shou...
The Animal Antibiotic market is a segment of the Animal Pharmaceuticals industry that focuses on the production and sale of antibiotics for use in animals. These antibiotics are used to treat a variety of bacterial infections in animals, including respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urinary tract infect...
It is widely assumed that the development of antibiotics had a transformative effect on livestock production by making it possible to keep larger numbers of animals in smaller spaces without them succumbing to disease. Using the health and production of
What are the facts about AMR? Many alarming facts regarding AMR have accumulated, particularly over the last few years. - An increase in global resistance rates in many bacterial species responsible for both community- and healthcare-related infections, e.g., staphylococci, enterococci, gonococci...
Many large producers of meat and poultry feed antibiotics to their healthy food animals simply to offset the effects of overcrowding and poor sanitation, as well as to promote faster growth. Every year, nearly 30 million pounds of antibiotics are sold for use in food animals. In fact, up to...
Resistant weeds have been estimated to cost $43 billion in crop losses each year for corn and soybeans alone. This has a cascading effect that drives up food prices: more expensive corn means more expensive feed which means more expensive meat, and on and on. There is a striking similarity...
The results showed that compared to participants in the control condition, participants in Conditions 2-4 reported higher risk perceptions, stronger support for a ban on the preventive use, and a higher intention to buy meat produced without the preventive use of antibiotics. However, there were ...
What are the facts about AMR? Many alarming facts regarding AMR have accumulated, particularly over the last few years. - An increase in global resistance rates in many bacterial species responsible for both community- and healthcare-related infections, e.g., staphylococci, enterococci, gonococci...
The main objectives were to structure and propose a hierar- chy of the various measures reported in the recent lit- erature and to collect information on the experiences of the many countries represented to discuss if some may be transposable to other nations. What are the facts about AMR?