Antibiotic resistance has been increasing along with antibiotic use. At the same time, the supply of new drugs to replace those rendered inefficient by the development has been dwindling, leading to concerns that we may soon lack efficient means to treat bacterial infections. Though the problem has...
Another avenue to determine the frequency of antibiotic resistance in the environment is to survey isolated ecosystems, ideally where human influence has been minimal or non-existent. Such sites are challenging to identify in the Anthropocene but we have reported on genomic sequences obtained from bac...
Antibiotic resistance is a serious threat to health and the problem is growing. 抗生素耐药性会对健康构成严重威胁,而且这个问题正在加剧。 This makes finding new antibiotics very important. 这使得寻找新型抗生素变得非常重要。 However, in recent decades very few have been developed and those that have...
Still, there’s hope that we can get ahead of the problem.But first, how did we get into this situation?The first widely used antibiotic was penicillin(青霉素),discovered in 1928 by Alexander Fleming.In his 1945 acceptance speech,Fleming warned that bacterial resistance had the potential to ...
In this lesson, we'll learn about the problem of antibiotic resistance. We'll learn how bacteria become resistant in the first place, and we'll also take a look at why antibiotic resistance has become so prevalent in our world today. View Video Only Save Timeline Video Quiz Course ...
In many instances, the care of a team of healthcare providers, including an infectious disease specialist, may be required.Why is antibiotic resistance so important?Overuse and misuse of antibiotics worldwide is leading to the global health care issue of antibiotic resistance. Antibiotic resistant ...
Hedgehogs Host the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance By Karen Hopkin on June 8, 2022 Karen Hopkin: This is Scientific American’s 60-Second Science. I’m Karen Hopkin. Hedgehogs are a lot of things. They’re small and spiky, covered in quills【(豪猪的)棘刺 翎(鸟的翅膀或尾部的大羽毛)】...
van Puyvelde S, Deborggraeve S, Jacobs J. Why the antibiotic resistance crisis requires a one health approach. Lancet Infect Dis 2018;18:1-2.Van Puyvelde, S., Deborggraeve, S., Jacobs, J., 2017. Why the antibiotic resistance crisis re- quires a one health approach. ...
AntibioticResistanceinBacteria WhyisAntibioticMisuseaProblem?•Antibioticsbecomelesseffectiveandmaynotworkthenexttimeyouusethem.•Improperuseofantibioticsleadstomoreantibioticresistantbacteria.•Antibioticresistantbacteriacanbespreadthroughoutthecommunityandfrompersontoperson.Antibioticspromoteresistance •Ifapatient...