it is critical to drastically reduce their use in all facets of One-Health by using alternate strategies to limit the spread of drug resistant pathogens. Since antibiotic resistance is mostly brought about by the abuse of antibiotics, antibiotic-free techniques are a viable new approach to deal w...
Population-specific drug pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics also play a role. The WHO, US, UK and EU have initiated strategies for the containment of resistance, with surveillance and delineation of the...doi:10.1016/S2214-109X(18)30156-6EssackSabihaThe Lancet Global Health...
Antibiotic resistance is posing a serious challenge to global public health. In the last decade, a number of bacterial pathogens with multidrug resistance appeared, which devastated the situation of public health and also led to significantly economic losses. It is estimated that over , deaths (with...
Antibiotic resistanceis one of the most significant public health threats of our time. Although antibiotic-resistant bacteria have existed for millions of years, these organisms were most often confined to the environment. What has led to resistance in bacteria being at the forefront of medicine over...
Sometimes, in complicated or prolonged viral infections, bacteria may invade as well, and cause what is known as a “secondary infection” In these cases, a health care practitioner can prescribe an antibiotic, if one is needed.What is being done to help stop antibiotic resistance?
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Antibiotic resistance is a major concern for public and environmental health. The role played by the environment in disseminating resistance is increasingly considered, as well as its capacity for mitigation. We reviewed the literature on strategies to control dissemination of antibiotic-resistant bacteria...
Antibiotic resistance genes Microbial community Poultry farm Human health One-Health Nasopharynx 1. Introduction Antibiotic resistance (AR) has been characterized as a global public health concern, which linked to the widespread use and abuse of antibiotics in humans and animals (Gao et al., 2020, ...
Drug Resistance Jose L. Martinez, in Drug Discovery Today: Technologies, 2014 Given the impact of antibiotic resistance on human health, its study is of great interest from a clinical viewpoint. In addition, antibiotic resistance is one of the few examples of evolution that can be studied in ...
Image:Antibiotic resistance is a global crises, experts say The use of antibiotics when they are not needed is creating "one of the most dangerous global crises facing the modern world today", a new campaign is warning. Public Health England (PHE) has launched the new "Keep Antibioti...