Current/Emerging Resistant Bacteria Infection Types Resistance Notes Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus“staph” (MRSA) Infections can range from skin and soft tissue infections (cellulitis, abscess), to urinary tract infections, osteomyelitis (bone), endocarditis (heart), pneumonia (lung) ...
MALDI-TOF is another commonly used method for detecting bacteria and can provide results in minutes. However, MALDI-TOF has limitations in differentiating closely related bacteria species owing to a limited bacterial protein database, which leads to incorrect identification (Rychert2019). Other techniqu...
Hospital-Acquired MRSA Infections On the Decline, CDC Says; Better infection control may have antibiotic-resistant Staph on the run, experts say.(methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus)Behen, Madonna
tested their molecular tweezers on the Staphylococcus aureus (Staph) bacteria. Staph infections have an estimated mortality rate in the US of over 25%, and as much as 40% for drug-resistant strains. The researchers developed two specific tweezers that bind and either ...
infectionandevenfatalityrelatedto antibiotic-resistantstaphinfection, knownasMRSA,hasshedlight ontheneedforgoodhygieneand appropriatecareforminorinjuries toreducetheriskofinfection. Doctorshavebeenseeingan increasingnumberofpatients withskininfectionscausedby ...
Antibiotic resistant staph infection is wakeup call.(Knight-Ridder Newspapers)Askari, Emilia