Uses:cream to treat pain and infection(感染) from small cuts and burns(烧伤) on skin. Antibiotic Cream Warnings use on skin only. Do not eat. Do not use in eyes or over large parts of body. Visit a doctor if you have serious cuts of burrs. Stop using and visit a doctor if you...
【题目】Antibiotic Cream(消炎药膏)Uses: cream to treat pain and infection(感染) from small burns onskinWamingsHUse on skin only.Do not eatDo not use in eyes or over large parts of body.Visit a doctor if you have serious burms.Stop using if the pain is worse.Keep at room temperature...
B. 它可以当食物吃;根据uses: cream to treat pain and infection(感染)from small burn on skin.可知说法错误。C. 对孕妇最好;根据If you are pregnant, ask a doctor before use可知说法错误。D. 必须在室温下保存;根据生活常识可知说法正确。综合以上分析,故选D。 阅读理解是最能体现学生英语能力的题型,...
this should only last for approximately 48 hours; applying a cold compress or topicalantibiotic creamwillbring relief. 治疗后,患部可能迅速肿胀或有灼热、刺痛感,但这种情况应当只持续约48小时;采用冷压法或局部使用抗生素霜将有助于缓解这种状况。
根据a high body temperature is also a sign of infection.If a wound seems infected, let the victim rest.Physical activity can spread the infection. Seek help from a doctor. 可知体温高也是一种症状感染。如果伤口好像感染了,让受害者休息。体育活动可以传播感染。向医生寻求帮助。...
Antibiotic Cream(消炎 )Uses: cream to treat pain and infection(感染) from small burns on skin.Warnings: Use on skin only.Do not eat.Do not use in eyes or over large parts of body.Visit a doctor if you have serious burns.Stop using if the pain is worse.Keep at room temperature.How ...
Medicine A: Antibiotic Cream Uses: pain(痛) and infection(感染) of small cuts and burns on the skin(皮肤)Warnings: Use on skin only.Do not eat. Do not use in eyes or over large parts of the body.Visit a doctor if you have serious cuts or burns. Stop using and visit a doctor if...
antibiotic - a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that can kill microorganisms and cure bacterial infections; "when antibiotics were first discovered they were called wonder drugs" antibiotic drug actinomycin - any of various red antibiotics isolated from soil bacteria amphotericin - ...
Uses: cream to treat pain and infection (感染) from small burns on skin.1.We can use the cream in our eyes.2.We should visit a doctor if we have serious burns.3.It must be kept at room temperature.4.We should put the cream on the burns at least three times a day.5...
Antibiotic Cream(消炎药膏) Uses:cream to treat pain and infection(感染) from small cuts and burns(烧伤) on skin. Antibiotic Cream Warnings use on skin only. Do not eat. Do not use in eyes or over large parts of body. Visit a doctor if you have serious cuts of burrs. ...