Efficacy of Antibiotic Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Lyme Disease After Tick BiteDRUGefficacyANTIBIOTICprophylaxisLYMEdiseasepreventionBABESIOSISPATIENTSThe optimal management of Lyme disease involves the use of antibacterials as prophylaxis and to treat manifestations of the disease. Treatment guidelines ...
An animal model allows for controlled experiments designed to determine the point in time after tick bite when delivery of oral antibiotics would be too late to prevent infection with B. burgdorferi. Accordingly, we developed a tick-bite prophylaxis model in mice that gave a level of prophylactic...
Efficacy of Antibiotic Prophylaxis for the Prevention of Lyme Disease After Tick BiteLascherS.GoldmannD. R.AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE
The prevalence of tick-borne infections (TBIs) is rising worldwide, with Borrelia being the main pathogen responsible for TBIs in Europe [1,2]. Borrelia infection progresses through three stages [3,4,5]: Stage 1: Early localized, which starts three days after the tick bite and usually loo...