见血封喉(Antiaris toxicaria)叶绿体基因组研究
The genome contained 130 encoded genes in total, including 85 protein-coding genes, 8 ribosomal RNA genes, and 37 transfer RNA genes. The overall GC content of the A. toxicaria chloroplast genome is 35.87%. The phylogenetic analysis revealed A. toxicaria was closely related to the genus Ficus...
The upas tree (Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.) is a medically important plant that contains various specialized metabolites with significant bioactivity. The lack of a reference genome hinders the in-depth study as well as rational exploitation and conservati
The upas tree (Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.) is a medically important plant that contains various specialized metabolites with significant bioactivity. The lack of a reference genome hinders the in-depth study as well as rational exploitation and conservation of this plant. Here, we...
genomeAntiaristoxicariaphylogeneticanalysisAntiaris toxicaria (Antiaris, Moraceae) is a medicinal and extremely toxic species. To facilitate species identification and provide genetic information, we determined the complete chloroplast genome of A. toxicaria using the Illumina platform. The genome was 161,412...