此学习路径是一个专业的开发学习之旅和一组课堂资源,以社交和情感学习为基础,并由公平和包容、重建正义实践和教育技术领域的专家策划。 它使教师能够构建与学生合作支持公平和反种族主义工作所需的知识和能力。 教育工作者必须在这一过程胸怀勇气和信心,才能充分参与消除学习环境中的种族主义。 此学习路径的目的是对...
Dan il-modulu huwa parti minn dawn il-mogħdijiet tat-tagħlim Anti-racism journey for educators with students Introduction 2 min The process: professional learning communities 3 min The team 1 min Additional resources for learning 2 min Additional resources for action 2 min Knowledge ...
Identify resources and organizations that help continue learning and action beyond the modules in the learning pathStart Add Add to Collections Add to plan Add to Challenges Prerequisites None This module is part of these learning paths Anti-racism journey for educators with students Module...
Learning objectives In this module, you'll: Define the learning process engaged in throughout the learning path Recognize the team of educators and experts who curated and crafted the learning path Identify resources and organizations that help continue learning and action beyond the modules in the ...
EDUCATORSPARENT attitudesWATER pollutionLANDSCAPESPROVERBSIn 2022, many are coming to understand that racism is a proverbial pollutant in the water people in the U.S drink. Moreover, it is a toxin all members of a race-based society consume, and all must address. In this pape...
Each of the seven authors describes a vignette of a powerful experience with racism, as well as how he or she responded to it and perhaps resolved it. The last part of the chapter includes suggestions for educators, supervisors, and program directors to use to plug the hole in training rega...
We try to be ethical eaterswithin our resources. We tell our kids about the impact of our diet, and give them space to choose ethical alternatives when possible. We also teach them that not everyone has the same resources and few families have access to sustainable, healthy, or cruelty-free...
Current educators should be provided with professional development opportunities to build knowledge, skills, and understanding about the growing diversity of the children and families they serve. Adequate resources and systems should be in place for the dissemination, implementation, and evaluation of ...
I ask what such an approach might mean for HPE educators and our (antiracist) practice. To do this, I draw on recent research, funded by the British Academy, that sought to explore the cultural resources on which physical educators draw to make sense of race, including an analysis of ...