反器材步枪(英语:Anti-materiel rifle),又称反物资步枪,是一种专为破坏军用器材及物资的步枪,破坏效果高于狙击步枪。 … zh.wikipedia.org|基于144个网页 2. 反物资狙击步枪 ...式狙击步枪(Bolt Action Rifle)、反物资狙击步枪(Anti-Materiel Rifle)、战斗步枪(Combat Rifle)、三连发自动步枪(Burstfire Rifle)....
Editor ID WeapNVAntiMaterielRifle Form ID 0008F21C Perk effects “Have you seen what one of those anti-materiel rifles can do to a deathclaw?”— Gun Runner guardThe anti-material rifle, officially the Hécate II[1] anti-materiel rifle (AMR), is a weapon in Fallout: New Vegas. Conten...
ANTI-MATERIELRIFLE(反器材步枪) ANTI-MATERIELRIFLE译名:反器材步枪-使用角色 武器类别:步枪 发射模式:暂缺 填装数量:10 射击速度:D- 装填速度:B 攻击力:1000 会心伤害:100 枪械介绍:反器材步枪是高口径的反器材武器,威力强大。可破坏轻型车辆,甚至坦克
爱给网提供海量的3d模型专辑资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为米169A.1 反器材步枪(M169A1 Anti-Materiel Rifle), 本站编号64044834, 该3d模型专辑素材大小为40k, 点数为3607, 面数为2502, 更多精彩3d模型专辑素材,尽在爱给网。 浏览本次作品的您可能还对 军队枪武器狙击手范围的m169米14.5毫米反装甲军事反器材...
Vietnam's military-run Z111 defence factory has started producing the Russian OSV-96 12.7 mm self-loading anti-materiel rifle, according to news reports in the Southeast Asian country. Reports on 16 January said the factory recently demonstrated the rifle to Vietnam's vice-president, Dang Thi...
Military were shipping an M27 Comat Anti-Materiel Rifle through Boston. These Rifles are exceedingly rare, but one lies hidden on the Military barge outside the Old North Church. For those looking to put a little (or a lot) more "oomf" behind a .50 Caliber projectile, there is a ...
I had the exactly the same problem (including the absence of the rifle after console command "help AX50 4"). I'm using MO2, v 2.5. The mod did not load correctly for me when using the "Mod Manager Download" option (although everything seemed just fine with the download from Nexus ...
A Kurdish fighter takes cover with a QLZ87 AGL. The Chinese M99 anti-materiel rifle (AMR) is chambered for 12.7 x 108 mm or 12.7 x 99 mm (.50 BMG), and has been in service since late 2005 with Chinese armed forces. With an effective range of 1500 metres, the M99 has been...
http://shop.bbtv.com/collections/forgotten-weaponsCreated by noted South African gun designer Tony Neophytou, the NTW-20 is a bolt action anti-materiel rifle made in 20x82mm, 20x110mm, and 14.5x115mm. The weapon began as idea to use the large quantities of surplus 14.5mm ammunition ...
瑞典志愿兵参战 Sweden will send the anti-ship missiles “Robot 17”, 5000 new Pansarskott (anti-tank weapons) and Automatgevär 90 (Swedish version of the U.S. M107 recoil-operated, semi-automatic, anti-materiel sniper rifle). Parliament passing the bill will be a formality. ...