The results indicated that the anti-dextran reactivity is not due to IgE antibody. Systemic reactions against dextran and EA differed in pattern, supporting the concept that the two substances acted through different mechanisms.Baxter J.H.
Iga anti-dextran b1355 responses in vitro are age- and t- cell dependent. Abstr We examined the genetic control of the murine humoral immune response to purified A-gliadin, a protein derived from wheat gluten, which is known to cause small intestinal disease in susceptible individuals. Studies...
Since some allergic reactions to infusions of iron-dextran are known, the free dextran and the iron-dextran complex were investigated for ability to precipitate with human antidextran sera and horse antipneumococcal sera known to crossreact with dextran. The results showed, the iron-dextran reacts...
Jozefonvicz, MarcelEPEP0146455A2 * Nov 30, 1984 Jun 26, 1985 Jozefowicz, Marcel Dérivés du dextrane dotés, notamment, de propriétés anticoagulantes et de propriétés anticomplémentaires, leur préparation et leurs applications biologiques...
Rabbit anti-dextran B1355 sera prepared by injecting rabbits with Leucbnostoc mesenteroides NRRL B1355 were separated on a Sephadex G75 column into two fractions, one binding and the other not binding to the column. Oligosaccharide inhibition of precipitation of the two fractions with dextran B1355...
colitisThe objective of the present work was to evaluate the anti-inflammatory effects of Vicenin-2 on dextran sulfate sodium (DSS)-induced colitis model. Colitis was induced in C57BL/6J mice by administration of 2% DSS in drinking water for 7 days. In addition to DSS, Vicenin-2 (50鈥...
Hirata I,Naito Y,Takagi T, et al.Endogenous hydrogen sulfide is an anti-inflammatory molecule in dextran sodium sulfate-induced colitis in mice.Digestive Diseases and Sciences.Hirata I, Naito Y, Takagi T, Mizushima K, Suzuki T, Omatsu T, Handa O, Ichikawa H, Ueda H, Yoshikawa T (2011)...
Dextran sulphate is a potent and selective inhibitor of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1). Its anti-HIV-1 activity has been investigated under varying experimental conditions. MT-4 cells were infected with HIV-1 at different multiplicities of infection (MOI), and treated with either d...
contacting a blood cell-containing sample with a composition comprising: soluble dextran; anti-glycophorin A antibody; anti-CD15 antibody; and anti-CD9 antibody; allowing sample to partition into an agglutinate and a supernatant phase; and recovering said cells from agglutinate or supernatant phase...
CellImagingKit(488/570),Dextran,CascadeBlue?,10,000MW,Anionic,LysineFixable,Dextran,TexasRed?,70,000MW,Neutral ZO-1MonoclonalAntibody(ZO1-1A12),AlexaFluor488,E-selectinMonoclonalAntibody(UZ6),E-selectinMonoclonalAntibody(UZ7),F4/80MonoclonalAntibody(CI:A3-1)(rat),Goatanti-RatIgG(H+L)Cross-...