I contrast respectability politics with the anti-assimilationist body aesthetics of Chike Jeffers and Janell Hobson. Because these accounts do not seek to neutralize or erase the body, they fundamentally value black people. As such, they more effectively convey personhood than assimilationist strategies...
resistance and revolt: 1) Enhancing political engagement, including a closer look at how to create an advocacy group; 2) Manifesto writing, with students writing their own manifesto; 3) Teaching anti-assimilationist politics, as students imagine and design an anti-assimilationist gay pride parade....
I explore the world of mutants and queers with the following question in mind: How can one utilize a queerly theoretical analytical lens while maintaining a discernable distance from reformism, homonormativity, and assimilationist reductionism? Both the fictional world of the X-Men and the lived ...
Sexualities in Revolt: Teaching Activism, Manifesto Writing, and Anti-Assimilationist Politics to Upper-Division UndergraduatesBreanne FahsEric Swank
Embracing the Nation: Jewish Assimilationist and Anti-Zionist Responses to Modernitydoi:10.1163/9789004265561_012C.R. PowerSharon PowerBrill