anti-asialo gm1原理anti-asialo gm1原理 Antiasialo GM1是一种抗体,作用是识别和结合在大多数哺乳动物细胞表面上的一种糖脂质,称为GM1。GM1是被称为血型H的多糖链质和某些神经元的标志物。Antiasialo GM1抗体的作用是通过与在NK细胞等免疫细胞表面上存在的GM1结合,从而诱导这些免疫细胞产生ADCC(依赖于细胞介导的...
NK细胞是先天免疫淋巴细胞,在先天免疫和适应性免疫中均起着关键性作用。它在小鼠体内通过NK细胞消耗 Abs,特别是抗唾液酸GM1 (ASGM1),起关键作用。此次研究中,我们通过整个嗜碱性粒细胞群体组成如表达NK细胞群一样,来表达ASGM1以及CD49b(DX5),并通过抗ASGM1在体内通过嗜碱性粒细胞消耗的抗FcεRIαAb有效地消融。
Anti-ganglioside asialo GM1现货供应100μl详细如下: Cat. Number 订货以英文名为准 Chemical Name Anti-ganglioside asialo GM1 (polyclonal antibody) Category rabbit Qty 1 100 μl Appearance liquid Application Notes serum, not purified ELISA, TLC-immunoblotting Synonym Polyclonal antibody to asialo GM1,...
NK细胞抑制剂 Anti Asialo GM1(Anti AsGM1) 本产品只能用于研究,不能用于人的治疗。 ◆原理介绍 Anti Asialo GM1(Rabbit)抗血清可以减少大鼠或者小鼠来源的自然杀伤细胞(NK细胞)的活性,NK细胞是免疫监视细胞。该抗体可以与NK细胞发生特异性结合,从而抑制NK细胞非特异性杀伤靶细胞的活性。靶细胞包括肿瘤细胞、同种...
NK细胞抑制剂——ANTI ASIALO GM1(RABBIT)可用于清除多种属大鼠和小鼠的自然杀伤细胞。NK细胞抑制剂——ANTI ASIALO GM1(RABBIT)可以减少大鼠或者小鼠来源的自然杀伤细胞(NK细胞)的活性,NK细胞是免疫监视细胞。该抗体可以与NK细胞发生特异性结合,从而抑制NK细胞非特异性杀伤靶细胞的活性。靶细胞包括肿瘤细胞、同种异体...
英文名称: Anti-ganglioside asialo GM1, (rabbit), 100 ul 货号: 1950 是否进口: 是 上海惠诚生物自成立以来专注于食品检测方面的标准品,特色产品:糖类标准品,脂类标准品,花青素标准品,类胡萝卜素,人乳寡糖等食品分析标准品,咨询电话 021-60498804 13917250134 Scientific Name:Anti-ganglioside asialo GM1 (po...
Anti-ganglioside asialo GM1 (anti-GA1) is very useful in the identification of asialo GM1 and in immunotargeting cells expressing asialo GM1. Several gangliosides have been found to have elevated expressions in tumor cells. Many therapeutic treatments of
Anti-NK1.1 and anti-Asialo GM1 (ASGM1) antibodies are used to deplete NK cells. Many antibody depletion strategies in vivo can have off-target effects. In a vaccine challenge model of T. gondii infection, we observed treatment of mice with these antibodies resulted in different survival ...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“Anti-Asialo-GM1 Alexa Fluor® 488 ** 53-6507-80”的生产销售。多年的“Anti-Asialo-GM1 Alexa Fluor® 488 ** 53-6507-80”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关系,我公司经营的产品名称深受广大用户信赖
邮件 电话 地区全国 地址北京市大兴区经济开发区 详细说明 Anti asialo GM1 (Rabbit) Grade: for Immunochemistry Storage condition: Keep at 2-10 degrees C. Manufacturer: Wako Summary This product is for research use only. Do not administer it to human. ...