One of the better critiques is that I focus too much on fifty-or-so-year trends – which often show improvement in key social indicators – rather than comparing our own society to preindustrial village society. This is an important point, because I’ve been accused of confusing Reactionaries...
Anti-money laundering is closely related to counter-financing of terrorism (CFT), which financial institutions use to combat terrorist financing. AML regulations combine money laundering (source of funds) with terrorism financing (destination of funds). Beyond the moral imperative to fight money laund...
Such collusion in acts of terrorism gains additional importance against the background of so called “Hybrid Threats”, NATO’s new concept of identifying and countering new threats arising from multi-level threat scenarios. This article discusses the potential impact of US terrorism lawsuits for the...
Whilethe formersee restrictionson Muslimimmigration as amagiccureagainstIslamist terrorism,thelatterdefinepoliticalIslamas theidentityof all Muslimsandtheheadscarf for womenas its mainandmost importantsymbol. Sincetherevolutionin Iran in 1979,politicalIslamhasbecomeaglobalpoliticalpowerfactor.Itwas moresuccessful...
Excellent file with lots of information. Perfect for beginner or expert level individuals. CAMS Passed successfully! Murphy 17 days ago I passed my CAMS using only the CAMS practice test. It really saved my time! Theresa 25 days ago
for fun or to highlight their technical skills. Many others do it for financial gains, for taking revenge, or to create fear in others. Of late, these are misused for political or religious gains or for terrorism. Even many of the countries are spying on each other. Militaries of many ...
⁴²Whenever Israel wasthreatened,SisterRoseusedhervoice andever-increasinginfluencetobeheard—in Washington,in theVatican,andat the UN.Interesting-ly,one of hertargets wasKurt Waldheimwhenhe wasSecretaryGeneral of theUN.She wrote lettersquestioninghis criticismof Israel in thefaceof Palestinianterrorism...
Then comes the distortion. When the survey was released,it suggestedthat ‘the level of antisemitism on the political left is consistent with the general population‘. There are three problems with this. Antisemites on the right are not treated to a barrage of anti-Zionist teaching that irons...
How on earth is that ‘terrorism’? The alternative was complete destruction. Can you imagine what would have happened had the Jews lost and do you have a better idea as to what the Jews should have done, 8 weeks before 5 armies invaded and whilst they couldn’t even supply their own ...