AntispamSniper for Outlook Express provides professional antispam and anti-phishing protection for your mailbox. A combination of several methods for automatic email classification results in an excellent filtering quality with the minimum error rate. The plug-in has a built-in option allowing deleting...
更新时间:2024/11/10 13:45:03 大小:7.1MB 开发厂商: 系统:WinXp,Win2000,Win2003 所属分类:邮件处理 支持语言:英文 下载安装 软件介绍 AntispamSniper for Outlook Express是一款很好的邮件检查工具,为您的邮箱提供专业antispam 和anti-phishing 的保护。 展开全部内容...
AntispamSniper for Outlook v2.8.1.6 邮件处理软件等级: 软件大小:7.49MB 支持语言:英文 授权方式:共享版 软件分类:网络软件/邮件处理 官网链接: 更新时间:2024-10-31 13:45:03 运行环境:WinXp,Win2000,Win2003 厂商: 关键字: 本地下载大小:(7.49MB)软件介绍 软件截图 软件专题 软件问答 相关文章 相关...
Spam filtering plug-in for Outlook, only for 32-bit version. Download Spam filtering solutions Tired of cleaning your mailbox from unwanted emails again and again? Our intelligent filters will help you to get rid of spam in your favorite email client. The plug-ins are easy in use, but ver...
AntispamSniper for Outlook Express v2.8.1.6 软件等级: 软件大小:7.1MB 支持语言:英文 授权方式:共享版 软件分类:网络软件/邮件处理 官网链接: 更新时间:2024-11-10 13:45:03 运行环境:WinXp,Win2000,Win2003 厂商: 关键字: 本地下载 大小:(7.1MB)...
Clove AntiSpam是一个易于使用的保护Microsoft Outlook 2000/XP/2003 的反垃圾邮件软件,可以自动扫描新邮件,将垃圾邮件隔离到垃圾箱中,同时支持手动扫描邮件文件夹。支持特性包括垃圾邮件智能模式识别技术、过滤器定制、新过滤规则向导、信任发件人列表、垃圾发件人列表等,对于垃圾邮件的识别率据称可以达到98%。软件是英...
Free anti-spam filter for Outlook 2016, 2019, 2021. Exchange, POP3, IMAP, 365 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz~up to 98% efficiency~zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Trend Micro Anti-Spam Pilot For Outlook Expre 3.52 官方版软件大小:9.39 MB 软件语言:简体中文 更新时间:2024-03-18 授权:免费软件 适用平台:Win8,Win7,WinXP 推荐度: 6 分无病毒 点击查看大图 软件介绍 垃圾邮件如洪水般涌来?试试看免费的Trend Micro Anti-Spam Pilot吧,它不但可以为Outlook加装一层...
Anti-SPAM Guardsoftware is a spam filter of a new generation. Spam blocker designed for Windows XP / Vista and runs in the background mode between your email client and the Internet. When you are receiving mail in your Outlook, Outlook Express, The Bat!, Eudora or any other client Anti-...
Use Outlook 2010 or later to view antispam stamps The built-in antispam agents in Exchange Server apply diagnostic metadata, or stamps, as X-headers to messages as they enter your organization. For more information about these stamps, see Antispam stamps. You ca...