With the release of Exchange 2003 Server SP2 Microsoft and the Exchange Server Product Unit are taking another big step in helping alleviate the Unsolicited Commercial Email (spam) problem. Announced a year ago, the Coordinated Spam Reduction Initiative clearly outlined the plan for drastically reducin...
Exchange Server 2003 SP2 represents an important step toward alleviating the spam epidemic. Let’s look at what it provides. Sender IDExchange Server 2003 SP2 delivers the long-awaited Sender ID filtering technology, which primarily targets forgery of e-mail addresses. The elimination of spoofed mai...
Exchange Server 2003 SP2 represents an important step toward alleviating the spam epidemic. Let’s look at what it provides. Sender IDExchange Server 2003 SP2 delivers the long-awaited Sender ID filtering technology, which primarily targets forgery of e-mail addresses. The elimination of spoofed mai...
Exchange Server 2003 SP2 represents an important step toward alleviating the spam epidemic. Let’s look at what it provides. Sender IDExchange Server 2003 SP2 delivers the long-awaited Sender ID filtering technology, which primarily targets forgery of e-mail addresses. The elimination of spoofed ...
Compatibilidad de Internet Explorer con el OWA de Exchange Server 2003 Capacidades Anti-spam en Exchange Server 2003 Service Pack 2 Regístrate para ser uno de los primeros en obtener Exchange 2007 Beta 2! Únete al Grupo Latinoamericano de Usuarios de Exchange (G.L.U.E.) Haz...
ks5.5.1388.0_exchangeen.exe PROBLEM: Update resulted in an error, anti-spam database has not been updated: compilation failed SOLUTION: (1) Open the command prompt: [Start] -> Run cmd (2) Change to the to the Kaspersky Exchange bases folder: ...
In Exchange Server, you can configure specific antispam settings on individual mailboxes that are different than the antispam settings that are applied to the rest of the mailboxes in your organization. The antispam settings that are available on mailboxes are basically unchanged from ...
微软所提供的免费工具Exchange Server 2007 Anti-Spam Migration Tool可以将Exchange Server2003中的垃圾邮件过滤设置安装到Exchange Server2007的部署中.它会从已安装的给定Exchange Server2003活动目录中读取反垃圾邮件设置,然后将这些设置转化为Power Shell脚本.当这个脚本运行在Exchange Server2007 Edge Transprot服务器或...
打开Exchange Management Shell,运行Install-AntispamAgents.ps1脚本,运行完成后按提示重启Exchange Tranport服务,关闭EMC再打开,终于在Hub Transport中看到了Anti-Spam选项,通过定义下面若干子选项可以有效防范一些垃圾邮件,对邮件安全如果有高级的需求还是安装EDGE并使用专业软件把。
Enable-AntispamUpdates[[-Identity] <ServerIdParameter>] [-Confirm] [-SpamSignatureUpdatesEnabled <Boolean>] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 此cmdlet 在 Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 中已弃用,不再使用。 示例 示例1 PowerShell ...