seminars and cruise ship tours related to cruise tourism and the travel trade for [...] 郵輪業諮詢委員會亦正與教育局合作,為一些中學 生 舉辦 與郵輪旅遊及 旅遊業界相關的講座和郵輪參觀活動,增進他們對 香港郵輪旅遊發展的認識。 The ship’s cargo contained approxim...
1) anti-ship cruise missile 反舰巡航导弹 1. Based on the concept of intelligentanti-ship cruise missileand the characteristic of mission planning system,the architecture and function of mission planning system of intelligentanti-ship cruise missileare studied. ...
anti-ship中文翻译 反舰 anti-ship是什么意思 网络反舰; 反舰飞弹; 反舰艇 词组短语 1.anti-shipmissile反舰导弹;反舰飞弹;舰飞弹 2.multi-purposeanti-shipmissile多用途反舰导弹 3.anti-shipcruise missile反舰巡弋飞弹 4.anti ship反舰 5.Anti-shipStrike反舰攻击 ...
A barrier for providing defense against attack from airborne cruise missiles includes a buoyant lighter than air structure. A curtain is suspended from structure and depends from the structure to a level approximately even with the surface. The barrier is deployed across a path identified as a ...
4) anti-ship cruise missile 反舰巡航导弹 1. Based on the concept of intelligentanti-ship cruise missileand the characteristic of mission planning system,the architecture and function of mission planning system of intelligentanti-ship cruise missileare studied. ...
15.The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) is in the advanced stages of developing a revolutionary anti-ship ballistic missile to supplement its well known Ying-Ji family of anti-ship cruise missiles.译:中国解放军的中国发展反舰道弹导弹已经在准备研制中,此弹是为了补充鹰击系列反舰导弹. ...
China’s New YJ-18 Antiship Cruise Missile英文版本.pdf,October 28, 2015 China’s New YJ-18 Antiship Cruise Missile: Capabilities and Implications for U.S. Forces in the Western Pacific Author: Michael Pilger, Research Fellow, Security and Foreign Affairs
Hezbollah used the weapon extensively in the 2006 war. Moscow said in 2010 it had signed a deal to send anti-ship cruise missiles including a version of the Yakhont to Damascus.
anti-ship cruise missile— 反舰艇巡航导弹 也可见: missile名— 弹道导弹名 · 飞弹名 · 投射物名 anti-形— 反形 · 抗形 查看其他译文 © Linguee 词典, 2024 使用DeepL翻译器,即刻翻译文本和文档 随打随译 世界领先的质量 拖放文件 立刻翻译 ...
LRASM is a low-risk, multi-service, multi-platform, multi-mission Offensive Anti-Surface Warfare cruise missile.