A custom .50 Anti-material rifle inspired by Fallout 4's weapon aesthetics, complete with original assets, animations and a small new dungeon to obtain it. ESP marked as ESL.
The anti-materiel rifle carbon fiber parts is a weapon mod for the GRA anti-materiel rifle added with the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Gun Runners' Arsenal. This mod decreases the rifle's weight by 7 pounds, from 20 to 13 pounds. Visually, it replaces the w
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: Anti-material rifle Anti-material rifle分享到: 反物资步枪,反设备步枪分类: 科技词汇 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表:分享到: 赞助商链接 你知道它的英文吗?
网络反设备步枪;反物资步枪;反器材步枪 网络释义
method of plasma attack of the layer to a layer of material antiriflettentesovrapposto attacked with plasmaCAUTIERO GIUSEPPE
[Type]1[name] Vattre anti material sniper rifle [model]BARRET[wchange]18[damage]3.0[speed]1.2[zoom]1[clip]40[ammo]80[recoil]3.0[gravity]670[knockback]0[reload]2.8[deploy]0[fastrun]0[sight_ time]0[sight_model][cost]7050[sound]1[team]0[buy]1 ...
反材料步枪(Anti Material Rifle) mod| 环世界 反物质步枪用于在远距离引诱俱乐部的焊接穴居人。与狙击手相比,射程和伤害有所增加,但近距离射击无用。 统计: 伤害-60 速度-130 射程-55 所需工作-170000 市值-1200 成本: 组件-8 感谢观看!我最近制作了另一个与此枪械挂钩的mod,它是反物质步枪+ mod,并在...
1) Anti-material rifle 反物资步枪,反设备步枪 2) anti-materiel rifles 反器材步枪 3) the butt of a rifle. 步枪枪托 例句>> 4) rifle[英]['raɪfl] [美]['raɪfḷ] 步枪 1. The technological process and conditions for making water repellent clothes for canoeing andriflery and the way...
I made a replica of a M107 Sniper rifle for my first proper Blender Model, textured using substance painter - M107 Anti-Material 50.Caliber Sniper Rifle - 3D model by RastaMasta
防弹步枪+(Anti Material Rifle +) mod| 环世界 一些更高功率,独特的步枪,适用于中后期游戏。 由于Mod使用了原始Mod的一些声音和炮弹,因此需要防弹步枪。 AI增强防弹步枪 殖民者找到了一种方法,可以将AI核心塞入一个小电池中,然后将其粘贴到步枪的枪管上。某种程度上,这提高了测距的准确性,以至于在野外无法遗漏...