抗体名: Anti-HCV Hepacivirin/NS3 helicase/NS3P/Viroporin p70 Antibody (28#) 亚型: IgG1, kappa 浓度: 1 mg/ml % 是否单克隆: 是 免疫原: NA 宿主: Mouse 用途: 仅用于科研 保质期: 1 year 应用范围: ELISA,Neutralization 产地: France 标记物: Unconjugate 品牌: AntibodySystem ...
1既往感染甲型肝炎,获得了特异性免疫力A.乙肝五项为HBsAg、HBeAg、 anti-HBc阳性B.anti-HBs、anti-HBe、anti-HBc阳性,HBV-DNA阴性C.anti-HBs阳性D.anti-HAVIgM阴性,anti-HAV IgG阳性E.HBsAg、anti-HBc阳性,anti- HCV阳性 2乙型肝炎患者或病毒携带者( ) A.乙肝五项中HBsAg、HBeAg、anti-HBc阳性B.anti-HBs...
病情分析:病情诊断:antihav阳性通常表示您体内存在抗甲型肝炎病毒抗体(Anti-HAV IgG),这是甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)感染后的免疫反应标志,表明您过去曾感染过甲型肝炎病毒,但目前已康复,并获得了对该病毒的免疫力。 病因分析:甲型肝炎病毒主要通过粪-口途径传播,如食用被病毒污染的食物或水,或与感染者密切接触等。感染后,...
抗体名: Anti-HCV NS1/gp68/gp70/Envelope glycoprotein E2 Antibody (B12.F8) 亚型: IgG1, kappa 浓度: 1 mg/ml % 是否单克隆: 是 免疫原: NA 宿主: Mouse 用途: 仅用于科研 保质期: 1 year 应用范围: ELISA,Neutralization 产地: France 标记物: Unconjugate 品牌: AntibodySystem 包...
Coppola N , Pisapia R , Marrocco C , Martini S , Vatiero LM , Messina V , Tonziello G , Sagnelli C , Filippini P , Piccinino F , Sagnelli E . Anti-HCV IgG avidity index in acute hepatitis C . J Clin Virol . 2007 ; 40 : 110 - 5...
Anti-HCV质控2 8.67 0.11 1.2 11.2 0.47 4.2 HS:人血清。 分析特异性: 用Elecsys Anti-HCV检测774份有潜在感染物的样本和比较标本: •含有的抗体HBV, HAV, HEV, EBV, CMV, HSV, HIV,风疹,弓形体,密螺旋体病 毒 •含有的自身免疫抗体和高滴度的类风湿因子, IgG, IgM或IgA抗体 •HBsAg和E. coli阳...
免疫球蛋白:一组具有特殊的化学结构和免疫功能的球蛋白,存在于体液内和淋巴细胞表面,是抗体的物质基础。按结构和功能的不同分为五大类:IgG,IgM,IgA,IgD和IgE。 免疫球蛋白的基本结构 Ig分子的基本结构是对称的四条多肽链,即两条相同的轻链(L链)和两条相同的重链(H链),借链间二硫键连结而成“Y”字型单体分...
We studied the relationship between the presence of HCV-RNA, anti-HCV IgM, reactivity in ELISA and positivity in immuneblotting. Methods. Subjects (N°=2,37l) were tested for anti-HCV Ab using two second-generation ELISA tests. Reactive sera were tested with two second-generalion IB tests....
Livzon pharmaceutical group inc offers a wide range of products which includes anti-rub igm elisa. Contact us for more information. Product Anti-toxo igg elisa Livzon pharmaceutical group inc offers a wide range of products which includes anti-toxo igg elisa. Contact us for more information. ...