Successful anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody treatment of severe autoimmune hemolytic anemia due to warm reactive IgM autoantibody in a child with common variable immunodeficiency. Am J Hematol. 2004;76(2):152-5.Wakim M, Shah An Arndt PA, Garratty G, Weinberg K, Hofstra T, Chruch J. Success- ...
Anti-Syncytin 1/HERV 连续使用时4°C存储,保质期六个月,长期存储时建议分装为10ul以上小包装-20°C存储,并避免反复冻融,保质期一年。 保存条件:低温 应用:可用于金标、酶标、化学发光和胶乳增强免疫比浊法等检测 运输:4度,或干冰。 产品名称 规格 货号 Anti-Syncytin 1/HERV 0.2ml/200μg YZ-K7961 英...
E.anti-HAVIgM阳性 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: Anti-drug work has become a ___ of attention among the international community with the spread of drug abuse in the world.A.spotB.centerC.zoomD.focus 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: 在PAP技术中起“桥联”作用的成分是A.Ab1B.Ab2C.anti-...
(Invitrogen) with specific primers (primer No. 1–8) targeting the CH1 domain of each isotype (IgM, IgD, IgG, IgA, and IgE) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. After cDNA synthesis, 1.8 volumes of SPRI beads (Beckman Coulter, AMPure XP) were used to purify cDNA, which was ...
Lenhard V, Diehm H, Römer W, Rauterberger EW, Kownatziki E, Roelcke D (1982) A “spontaneous” cold reactive IgM antibody with anti-HLA-B8 specificity in a patient with multiple sclerosis. Immunobiology 160: 382–391Lenhard, V. , Diehm, H. , Römer, W. , Rauter-berger, E. ...
This cross-reactivity was mainly a property of monoclonal alloantibodies belonging to the IgM isotype (among the 49 cross-reacting Mabs, 37 were IgM). The results confirm that during an immune response against a foreign antigen (alloantigen), B cells that produce polyreactive antibodies are not...
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia due to warm reactive IgM autoantibodies is unusual, severe, and often fails to respond to standard immunosuppressive therapies in both adults and children. A 6-year-old girl with common variable immunodeficiency had longstanding steroid dependent, splenectomy-unresponsive, warm...
The germline encoding of a non-immune immunoglobulin M (IgM) molecule in mammals was experimentally documented for the first time as a result of the specifically timed ovariectomy of C57BL/10 mice. The target of this innate antibody involves a trans-species developmental antigen that...
Early ovariectomy unmasking the non-somatic origin of murine anti-A reactive IgM, unreactive with somatic A-like structuresCervantes, C. Moreno, N. Morales, J. et al., 2009 Gonadectomy inhibits develop- ment of experimental amoebic liver abscess in hamsters through downregulation of the ...
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia due to warm reactive IgM autoantibodies is unusual, severe, and often fails to respond to standard immunosuppressive therapies in both adults and children. A 6‐year‐old girl with common variable immunodeficiency had longstanding steroid dependent, splenectomy‐unresponsive, ...