But there are limited resources to accomplish this, meaning many will quickly cover graffiti with paint that often does not match surfaces. One approach to dealing with graffiti proactively is to apply coatings that make removal of the spray paint or markers easier. Older applications methods have...
Source: Sherwin-Williams Cleveland, OH - Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings has introduced Anti-Graffiti Clear Coat, a single-component, low VOC (<250 g/L), non-sacrificial elastomeric siloxane coating for new or previously-coated concrete substrates that has superior cleanability and wea...
Listen as Neil Clarke, Business Development Manager, walks us through the features and benefits of our high-performance liquid coating, Duraspar IP. Heavy Equipment Coatings Video overview of the value Sherwin-Williams General Industrial coatings and support deliver for Heavy...
to reduce the growth of the organisms and microbes in the parts attached to the hull. The coatings provide enhancement and durability along with providing benefits, such as self-cleaning and graffiti resistance.