intended to discourage the dumping of imported commodities, especially by imposing extra customs duties: antidumping measures against foreign steel.Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of antidumping1 First recorded in 1910–15; anti- + dumping (in the sense “selling below-cost goods in ...
The meaning of ANTIDUMPING is designed to discourage the importation and sale of foreign goods at prices well below domestic prices. How to use antidumping in a sentence.
Dumping is a term common in international trade. We can say it is an unfair strategy by an exporting nation to gain market share in the importing nation. In dumping, an exporting country reduces the price of its product to gain market share in the foreign market. The price at which the ...
It will not be wrong to say that anti-dumping is an effective tool to ensure fair trade among the countries. Moreover, it protects the domestic industry from dumping harm by another country. Also Read:Anti Dumping Law – Meaning, History, Issues and More Similar to anti-dumping duties, imp...
Anti-Dumping Investigation I. ANTI DUMPING – MEANING AND CONCEPT Q. 1. What is anti dumping? What is its purpose in International Trade?Ans. Dumping is said to occur when the goods are exported by a country to another country at a price lower than its normal value. This is an unfair ...
the Commission concluded that there is a likelihood of continuation of dumping should the measures lapse. The Commission also concluded that the Union industry continued to suffer material injury within the meaning of Article 3(5) of the basic Regulation during the review investigation period. Overall...
The meaning of ANTIDRUG is acting against or opposing illicit drugs or their use. How to use antidrug in a sentence.
The AAAMP alleges dumping margins from 828 percent and 921 percent. Estimated Timeline of the Investigation Provided below are our current estimates for the timeline of potential duties in the AD/CVD investigation proceedings. If critical circumstances (meaning, in anticipation of the imposition of ...
英文: We are thinks that the understanding the echoing antidumping to China, find out the key factors, prevention validity foreign countries to China and make use of the echoing antidumping have an important meaning.中文: 本文认为了解对华回应反倾销,对找到外国对华反倾销的关键环节、有效预防外国对...
The United States has this month slapped anti-dumping duties on imports of common alloy aluminium sheet from 18 countries. Trade barriers in the aluminium semi-manufactured products (semis) sector have proliferated over the last few years but this marks a major escalation. ...